Hi Everyone,
After reading all ur posts ,I wanted to add my experience.
I had around 3 yrs IT experience ,still found myself jobless one fine day.Was very very frustrated,depressed and frantically sent resume's ,posted my resume to every free resume-posting site I could lay my hands on.This continued for 3 months(feb-may).But then I got an interview call ,cleared the phone interview and face-to-face interview (fully Technical) and got a very good job .During my bench-period I cleared SCPJ and kept myself busy learning new things.
From my experience I conclude ,donot waste ur time while u are jobless.Get yourself mastered in every possible technology.
If you are just a java person ,try to master
J2EE components and web servers.If you know that too go for Databases.
Knowlege never goes waste.
As about the not being able to find a job ,dont give up .I had almost given up ,but then got this wonderful job.
I know now its easier for me to say these things as I have a job now,but believe me guys I have been there.
I believe ,if you have the potential ,if you are strong in what you are showing in your resume,you will definitely bag a job.Just have patience and utilize the time you have.
Steb - stop being so pessimistic.