Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
The articles are copyrighted so posting them here is violation of the NY Times copyright.
Originally posted by Praveen Prav:,1651,TCP_1127_1985593,00.html
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
To tell the truth I came to america to live in america. Not to go back.
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
Originally posted by Matt Cao:
Hello You Two,
Please behave. Think what have you too accomplished by pointing finger at one anothers. You two only show to the world exactly what the world see in Indian. You two only confirm to the world opion about Indian. Did you two understood the reason why the world single out Indian as ... not because Indian are superfluous in English as India Times claimed.
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
Originally posted by Sriraj Rajaram:
Have you done any of the following:
1. Find jobs for Americans out of work
2. Donate over 50% of atleast one of your paychecks to a needy American
3. Volunteer to teach English at the local literacy center
[ May 30, 2003: Message edited by: Sriraj Rajaram ]
Originally posted by Sriraj Rajaram:
I've long been advising several of my American colleagues to consider getting their bachelors education in India as an international student.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I think a sufficient number of people would do this. Engineers and maintenance technicians working on military equipment have flocked to Saudi Arabia for years now because of the lucrative work, so I don't see where it would be any different with India.
Originally posted by Praveen Pranum:
You cannot generalize like that.
Originally posted by Praveen Pranum:
There are lot more indians than there are americans in Technology Jobs in america. What does that signify. It signifies that indians are highly competitive, cutting edge, smarter and hardworking.
Originally posted by Nicholas Turner:
In my post I am not calling Indians dumb, I am merely saying the skills are not as high as americans. This directly reflects the pay. Because no one with high skills would take less than 40 an hour.
In my post I am not calling Indians dumb, I am merely saying the skills are not as high as americans. This directly reflects the pay. Because no one with high skills would take less than 40 an hour.
Originally posted by Nicholas Turner:
funny thing,i've had 4 interviews in the last 3 days
The secret of how to be miserable is to constantly expect things are going to happen the way that they are "supposed" to happen.
You can have faith, which carries the understanding that you may be disappointed. Then there's being a willfully-blind idiot, which virtually guarantees it.
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