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Originally posted by Jason Menard:
For example, there was a brand of ice cream sold on the streets in Germany called Neiger-Ice (spelling?). The symbol for this brand of ice cream was a nearly naked African pygmy warrior, ring through the nose, spear in hand, done up in black-face.
What about France? There's quite a rash of anti-semitism going on over there, isn't there? And they have recently passed laws which certainly may be viewed as anti-Muslim. Whether or not the bombing of a Muslim school in the Netherlands was an isolated incident remains to be seen.
Commonly referring to Pakistanis as Pakis... I remember after an apparently important football game between England and Cameroon, which I believe Cameroon won, the English coach saying something along the lines that "those monkeys need to go back to their trees" in reference to the team from Cameroon. While I was shocked, this inconceivably seemed to cause barely any ripples in the British press.
And one of the most accepted and out in the open forms of racism rampant throughout Europe - anti-Americanism.
The topic seems to be wandering though and I'm not sure what this has to do with Jobs. I would have preferred to refute you via email, but you have chosen not associate an email with your JavaRanch account.
[ November 09, 2004: Message edited by: Jason Menard ]
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
Well, Europeans are certainly doing a terrible job communicating their disagreements. It's hard to take seriously criticism coming from people who sound as if they're interpreting events through a Marxist framework.
It's not just our foreign policy that Europeans hate about us. They hate us because we
execute some of our crueler murderers (but Europeans find roon it in their heart to understand and forgive Palestinians who feel free to assassinate anyone they disagree with). They hate us because we proudly own and use firearms for legal and righteous non-sporting purposes -- that we value the lives and freedom of crime victims over the lives of muggers, rapists and burglars. They hate us because our culture is vulgar (which literally means "common") -- not recognizing that this is the price one pays for having a (comparatively) classless society. They sneer at Americans for attending church regularly. They hate us for equating right and left-wing radicalism, national socialism with international socialism in our domestic politics.
Originally posted by Warren Dew:
Would you really prefer to have Americans saying things like, "you really ought to get rid of that Queen and put a real King in charge ... and while you're at it, write down your constitution!"
Originally posted by Jayesh Lalwani:
That's interesting!! So, if unemployment rates start increasing, you would prefer that immigrants stay in the country while citizens are laid off??
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Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think you miss the point. People who are permanent immigrants are Americans as far as most of us are concerned whether they are citizens or not. They share our needs, wants, and desires for our nation. If your barn is on fire, do you want to be with the person who grabs his horse and rides out of town or the person who grabs a bucket and helps you put the fire out?
Originally posted by Ashok Mash:
Europeans has an issue with American gun culture, but they are not worried about those millions who have a gun just to feel safe, or even those who use it hunt, Europeans area worried about the bad side of the bigger picture, teenagers massacring dozens in classrooms, drive by shootings, general lawlessness etc. Europeans are worried about the lack of value of life of the victims in America, because every thief, even a 10 year old shop lifter looking for a pack of sweet candies turns up with a lethal weapon, and well, you know the story! But I guess it�s a whole different discussion.
Originally posted by Damian FRACH:
I read somewhere that somewhere in US (maybe Texas ...) it is forbidden to teach about carbon-radio method, how dinosaur bones are old, because it is again bible ...
Well if IT IS TRUE it sounds for me like a problem ...
I have to admit I am an atheist ...![]()
Sorry, I didnt mean immigrants, I meant alien workers. My understand of the H1B visa is that it's there so that employers can import labor from outside the country on a temporary basis. So, if there is a shortage of a certain skill, employers are allowed to employ foriegners by sponsoring their H1 visa. Once the shortage reduces either through a) people on H1 becoming naturalized citizens, b) students in US learning the neccessary skills or c) reduction of demand of that skill set, the INS reduces the number of H1 visas. If the H1 visa is abolished, and another process is in place that makes it more difficult for employers to hire foriegn workers, then employers wont have any choice other than outsourcing. So, on one hand you have alien workers, and on the other hand, you have outsourcing. Which do you prefer?
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Originally posted by Damian FRACH:
I suppose that if you have 3-4 children it is better to stay in Europe than in US. In Europe you do not need to go for private education and health care, what is quite expensive. Also big family and house wife tax benefits can be significant.
I stay now in South Africa and current system forces me to do not have too many children, because it is expensive.
Originally posted by Damian FRACH:
I read somewhere that somewhere in US (maybe Texas ...) it is forbidden to teach about carbon-radio method, how dinosaur bones are old, because it is against bible ...
Well if IT IS TRUE it sounds for me like a problem ...
I have to admit I am an atheist ...![]()
Intelligent, hardworking people are the ones that should be having kids.
Mike Gershman
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD in process
Originally posted by Prema Chakravarthy:
it is people that don't think about how they can support kids or can't support are the ones that end up having more.
Suman A Sarker<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD<br /> <br />If You Can't Beat Them ... Join Them!
Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
Recent posts put this thread very close to being moved to Meaningless Drivel.
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
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Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Hi all !
So as thread was "GB vs the USA", a conclusion before closing ?
If "GB" meant "UK", and as this thread supposed immigration, I would say GB is winner over USA without discussion but simply by disqualification of USA before the contest : an IT professionnal cannot simply any longer legaly emigrate to USA right now, so any other country beats them in this field by definition.
...Best regards.
Originally posted by Jim Yingst:
[Mark H]: However, let us be mindful that it can be a powder keg, and we don't want it to turn into a flame war, or general venting about racism. What passes in Meaningless Drivel won't here.
You haven't visited MD in a while, eh? This thread would have been closed long ago there.![]()
Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit
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Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I would like to see a crack down on illegal immigration, an end to H1B visas except in very special circumstances, and an increase in the number of lottery spots.
I think I am typical of most Americans. We are opposed to immigrant migrant workers (I'll live in the US as long as the economy is good but as soon as I have enough money or the economy turns bad I'm going back home). But we support the idea of hard working people from around the world coming to the US to enjoy our freedom and become permanent residents and ultimately citizens of the USA.
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Opening the border to a group of people with specialized skills does a terrible injustice to people who made the investment in that area.
I believe you miss the point, if there is a shortage of specialized skills which is valuable to the country, not letting extra skilled people in will be good for people who made the investment in that area but bad for the country as business which can't be done in the country will be done elsewhere. You must find a balance for these people between their own welfare and welfare of the country they live in. The ideal is to let people in so that shortage still exists but is minimal, so relevant skills are still well rewarded while business isn't outsourced as staff power is adequate.
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Eric - you need to fix France, it's your homeland, it's your responsibility. Or find a way to sell your skills in US via web.
Eric ... and France ... it must be me, for I am the only participant to this thread with such caracteristics.
Yes I know, France is my homeland and I love it, and I could sell my skills in US via web, but no thanks, I won't do that. France is really a very special place unique in its kind, of course all countries have their pros and cons, but I can't go along anymore with them. One of the best definitions I heard about France is "a Soviet Union which succeeded". There is no place for individuality, richness is contempted, succeeding is despised. No, I want to try to achieve something, to build my own company,
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
I already have the prototype of the product which will allow to make it. But I won't try in France for it is useless even trying for such product, only in US after some years when I'm there. When you want to create your own IT business, US is the place to be, not France (unless you have much money at start, which is not the case of individuals).
What is more I am honest, I could easily try to sell remotely, living in a country with low taxes, but I won't try. Even if there are many taxes in USA too, I will try to go there for my business. Taxes pay public hospitals, school, police, roads, and many useful things for citizens, so they must exist but remain moderate, like in US, but in France they are excessive.
Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Hi all !
So as thread was "GB vs the USA", a conclusion before closing ?
If "GB" meant "UK", and as this thread supposed immigration, I would say GB is winner over USA without discussion but simply by disqualification of USA before the contest : an IT professionnal cannot simply any longer legaly emigrate to USA right now, so any other country beats them in this field by definition.
So "God save the queen", score one (GB/UK) to zero (USA) for HMI (Her Majesty's Immigrants) untill USA are legally armed so as to be able to play next revenge match. USA lost a battle against GB on immigration field, but war is not over AFAIK.
Best regards.
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
The problem in Europe is that its "efficient public transportation" becomes quite expensive if there are five or six in the family. And gasoline/petrol prices are so high that few people can afford to drive an autombile that can hold two parents and three or four children.
Because of the social welfare net, Europeans don't think they need children to take care of them in their old age, and cannot afford them anyway because of the taxes needed to pay for the social welfare net.
The only people having more than one child average per family are refuges who, having left third-world countries, now feel wealthy living in Europe on the dole.
Originally posted by Joe King:
Not really. If that were so then the population of Europe would be outnumbered by immigrant families fairly quickly. While some European countries (Germany I think is one example) do have a declining native population, its no where near as dramatic as a situation where most native people are only having one child. Single child families are still rarer than multiple child families, especally so in countries like Spain, Italy and Greece.
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"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
I'm curious. what if you didnt want to work? or you wanted to work 6 months and freak out for 6 months?
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Originally posted by Eric Lemaitre:
Hi Don !
BTW, what is your idea (if you care to tell). My email is registered on my user profile.
I tried to use this email address but got a server error about your account, so I couldn't answer, sorry.
Best regards.
I can't renounce my name. It's on all my stationery! And hinted in this tiny ad:
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