Originally posted by Mani Ram:
U r making a few incorrect assumptions here.
Then why do you need an interview? All you have to do is to give the same question paper to all the candidates and validate their answers!
Since u say question paper, u may probably be assuming that these are objective type questions or those which can easily answered on a sheet of paper.
The purpose of interview is something different. It is not only to check the ability of the candidate to answer some basic readymade questions!
U r assuming that all readymade questions are basic.
A sheet of readymade questions can comprise of very simple questions or extremely complex questions depending on the position u r hiring for.
I would say it is a bad way to select people. When this works well for people with less experience (say less than 2 years), it is not appropriate for people with higher levels of experience. You need to ask different questions to different people with different experiences having different skill sets.
Asking different sets of questions to different people may make sense for general-purpose recruitment at a consulting company cuz whatever be the skill set of the person, they may have a project to suit that. But lets consider a company focussing on 1 application and all that they care for is that the candidate should be well versed with the technologies that matter to their product. Such kind of companies might tend to go with the more focussed sheet of questions kind of approach. They dont want to end up in a situation when they are hiring for 1 position and 3 different interviewers like 3 different candidates. They are trying to eliminate the guesswork/confusion from the recruitment process.
Originally posted by soniya saxena:
The purpose of interview is something different. It is not only to check the ability of the candidate to answer some basic readymade questions!
U r assuming that all readymade questions are basic.
A sheet of readymade questions can comprise of very simple questions or extremely complex questions depending on the position u r hiring for.
The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet. - William Gibson
Sonny Gill LinkedIn
Originally posted by Sonny Gill:
So, you are saying that these guys can have sheets of readymade 'complex' questions, and the different interviewers can give consistent scores for the answers they receive to those complex questions ?
Originally posted by soniya saxena:
Yes absolutely...the process of generating questions includes having discussed the solutions to these questions so as to ensure consistency in expectations.....the score cud just be binary.
The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet. - William Gibson
Sonny Gill LinkedIn
The truth is out there ...somewhere
Mike Gershman
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD in process
Quaerendo Invenietis
Mike Gershman
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD in process
Ankur<br />SCJP,SCBCD
how do you rate yourself in Java out of 10
when I cleared java univ. exam : 8
when I cleared SCJP : 5
After 2-3 minor projects : 4
Now : 3
MOTS - The more you learn , less u know,
less u no , more eager you are,
more eager you are , more you learn.
Mike Gershman
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD in process
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
Ideally company should conduct written test(s).Assuming one is applying for the post of Programmer:Following tests should be conducted
1)General programming skills where one is asked to write pseudo code.Also test will include basic OS/Software engg/testing knowledge.
2)programming test which will include your favourate language's basic/medium/advanced features.
3)Test which will ask candidate to describe any project work in details of his/her choice.
All these tests should be of subjective in nature.Test should contain minimal multiple choice questions.
In the past,I have appeared for these kind of tests.They are really impartial.Enough time should be given to candidates.One complete day should be given for these activities.
[ December 21, 2004: Message edited by: Arjun Shastry ]
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