Can you explain how JDO supports "real time data" differently than EJB CMP? Java data objects express queries via loosely typed strings that can be constructed and executed dynamically the way we do it with JDBC.Thus with JDO it is possible to create a dynamic query engine that can query the JDO engine for Java Data objects based on different criteria dynamically at runtime.This is different from the "define at development time" paradigm of EJB 2.0 CMP/CMR
Hi all, what is the limit to the number of parameters to be passed to the ejbCreate().Normally if i pass all the properties to an ejbCreate it does the work for me but if any of these is changed or removed i have to change the ejbCreate,ejbPostCreate and Home interfaces which is not a wise thing to do, whts the aork around , would like to hear from others Rishi SCJP,SCWCD
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