Originally posted by <slackerette>:
"Our greatness is measured not only in how we . . . do right but also [in] how we act when we know we've done the wrong thing; how we confront our mistakes, make our apologies, and take action."
--President Clinton October 3, 1995
Originally posted by <slacker>:
The price of oil is significantly more in India than the US
I dont think people in the armed forces do anymore a noble job than say a coal miner.Both are paid to do their job.
Shura Balaganov:
Dave, still I personally wouldn't "volunteer" to fight Iraq or whoever.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Perhaps you should convince your leaders to spend some money in resource exploration, instead of remaining dependant on others.
Originally posted by Axel Janssen:
... and if there is no oil under their soil? Let all unemployed dig a tunel to Saudi Arabia?
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Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Any posted remarks that may or may not seem offensive, intrusive or politically incorrect are not truly so.
RusUSA.com - Russian America today - Guide To Russia
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Does anyone else get a bit uncomfortable by someone quoting Clinton making a statment about doing the right thing? Wouldn't that kind of be like quoting Mike Tyson making a statment concerning positive personal relationships?
[ August 09, 2002: Message edited by: Jason Menard ]
Originally posted by <Linkee>:
You would have got the message , had you clicked the link ,that came along with the quote
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
I truly believe that in a democracy, you will hardly find two presidents coming from the same family (father and son).
By constantly trying one ends up succeeding. Thus: the more one fails the more one has a chance to succeed.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
When I do something wrong, I apologize.
I would not fight in an unjust war. But then neither would I run away to Canada. If I had to I would do what Muhammad Ali did and go to prison. Of course, America hasn't fought in any unjust wars so we can hope that we retain our perfect record.
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
Nobody wants to react to this???
Originally posted by <Anthony from Houston>:
I think what Muhammad Ali did was very brave, especially because he did not run to Canada. Muhammad Ali also did not help the Vietnam War in anyway, but what he did was stand up for what he believed in and that was extremely courageous of him.
Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
Is there something particularly controversial about the statement you cited? Irony was your intention, I'm sure, but I don't see anything undemocratic in a father and then son being elected to the same office.
By constantly trying one ends up succeeding. Thus: the more one fails the more one has a chance to succeed.
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
I think something is not going right in the process of the election.How a man with no ability to lead a country, with no knowledge of foreign affairs can become president.It just doesn't sounds good. Maybe thanks to his father, or to those multinationale sponsoring him.
You can not register as a CO if you object to a particular conflict but might be willing to fight in a different conflict. Ali was saying that the war in Vietnam was unjust and he would not fight in it. You can not apply as a CO for that reason. Also, I have never heard anyone claim that Ali was pampered while he was in prison.Originally posted by Jason Menard:
The only good thing that can be said about what he did is "at least he didn't flee to Canada". I have respect for the man, except for that aberation during the Vietnam war. He took the incorrect course of action. The correct course being to register as a CO. I also don't think there is anything particularly "brave", nevermind "extremely courageous", about a rich celebrity who chooses temporary, pampered incarceration, rather than sticking his neck out on the line while others less fortunate than he do the correct thing.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
You can not register as a CO if you object to a particular conflict but might be willing to fight in a different conflict. Ali was saying that the war in Vietnam was unjust and he would not fight in it. You can not apply as a CO for that reason. Also, I have never heard anyone claim that Ali was pampered while he was in prison.
I never intend to be a judge, or even said that my opinion is more significiant than another opinion. Just expressing my opinion. It seems like it's too much for you!Who are you to judge who we choose as our president?
At least it's not just the opinion of one citizen in belgium. The feeling is all around the world. G.W. Bush is considered as the most stupid president that the USA has never known. You're talking about polls in the USA. I want to see them. Because the news I see are totally different. And I'm not only reading belgium or french news. Ooooh I forgot the sitcom, "That's my Bush". Sitcom describing his stupidity. So now even in USA people know about his stupidity.The opinion of sombeody in, say Belgium for example, means nothing. It is only the opinion of those in this country that has even the slightest significance in this matter. If you pay any attention to opinion polls btw, you will realize that most Americans are perfectly happy with our foreign policy specifically and his "ability to lead the country" in general.
We have some issues with the economy, but most of the reasons for the downturn there were beyond the control of this administration.
I know, strange as it may seem, most of us don't really give a rat's ass what the typical European or Middle Easterner may think about our foreign policy. Name one reason we should? Call it arrogant if you want, I really don't care, but our national policies are enacted for our interests, not yours, and this is what we elect our government for.Do you think when they hold these meetings to discuss some foreign policy issue that some guy is going to stand up and say, "Hey, that strategy might piss off Belgium"? No of course not, because no one cares.
Do you seriously think we are seeking support for military action against Iraq from various European countries because we need the EU's support? Of course not.
And to think that Daddy Bush and multinational corporations influenced the voters is just plain idiotic, and doesn't deserve much comment beyond that.
By constantly trying one ends up succeeding. Thus: the more one fails the more one has a chance to succeed.
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
You're talking about polls in the USA. I want to see them.
"Another doctrine . . . is that we must walk on eggshells in our foreign policy, in order not to offend 'world opinion.' Once more, the Bush administration has quietly but substantially shifted our policy to saying what our position is and inviting others to join us rather than letting 'world opinion' determine what we are going to do."
Would you favor using military action against a country that has not attacked the United States but is considered a threat if there was strong evidence that:
The country was aiding terrorists who were making plans to attack the United States 82%
The country was planning to attack the United States in the future 82%
The country was an enemy and was developing chemical or biological weapons 77%
The country was an enemy and was developing nuclear weapons 72%
You're looking for money to pay your dirty war.Aren't you?
Multinational choose their candidates and pay for their campaign elections. Of course their will be a payback.(Which goes against the philospohy of democracy) Average people only knows the candidates that they see on tv, during big show. So if you are not supported by a multinational, you just don't have any chance to be knwon by your people. That's how the most stupid man accessed the presidence siege.
That's exactly why people all around the world hates american
Originally posted by Bodie Minster:
It my not be very PC or even very popular, but I think that when the living participants are all dead, and their children are all dead, the issue is dead.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I honestly don't know if he was specifically pampered, but in general celebrities don't have it all that bad. We can be fairly certain he wasn't in a maximum security institution. But I was thinking, if he didn't want to go to Vietnam, he really didn't have any other choice than to go to jail if he wasn't a legitimate CO. No matter where he fled to, people would know who he was. He couldn't anonymously slipped off to some foreign country and realistically hoped to have stayed off the radar screen of the US authorities. So still, I wouldn't label his actions as particularly courageous.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Bodie Minster:
If we buy Thomas' argument that people wage wars, not goverments, then we can expect:
- U.S. citizens will be hauled before the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hauge for crimes committed in their names during Viet Nam, Korea, Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Serbia, and all of the other conflicts and wars that the "Government" has waged.
- Politicians will not act because they will fear the assumption of personal liability for dumb stuff that the government does.
- The Government will have to disband the volunteer army because no congressman wants to be responsible for what Private First Class Miller does while he is in the field after war is declared.
- People that are wronged by existing government policies may not have any recourse if the policy's authors are dead.
Stuff like that would suck. Governments have to answer for the actions of those that form them. Even if those people are not still a part of the goverment.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
One would think that you could separate entertainment from political awareness a BIT better than that.
By constantly trying one ends up succeeding. Thus: the more one fails the more one has a chance to succeed.
Originally posted by Younes Essouabni:
it still confirming the idea that a lot of people have. But whatever, since you don't care.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Good, I think we've made a breakthrough. You're getting the idea.
[ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Jason Menard ]
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
By constantly trying one ends up succeeding. Thus: the more one fails the more one has a chance to succeed.
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