Originally posted by Eugene Kononov:
Yeah, PdH seemed to be a few standard deviations away from the mean in his depth of understanding the problems, yet he also has a great talent in explaining things to the mean of the curve.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
I'd never heard of him before
Never heard about Stefan Zweig?Have you heard about Thomas Mann? I like his novels even more than Zweig's.
[ September 30, 2003: Message edited by: Mapraputa Is ]
Quaerendo Invenietis
Have you heard about Thomas Mann?
Pros :
Subsidy always carries with it a danger of government interference and distortion. If artists and companies become dependent upon funding, they will react to the implicit threat of its removal should they be too critical of the government. Government may seek to co-opt art into serving its wider policy aims, making it promote nationalism, moral behaviour or a cult of personality; this compromises artistic integrity and forces art to become nothing more than propaganda.
Free and cheap access to the arts is crucial for education. Without subsidy schools and young people would not be able to take affordable music lessons, visit museums or galleries, or to attend plays or concerts, and would thereby be prevented from understanding and enjoying their culture fully. As well as being important for personal enrichment, access to the arts also makes the young aware of their national heritage and helps to promote feelings of nationhood.
This House would end government subsidy of the arts
This House believes the arts should pay their own way
JW: As to your excursion in Amsterdam, there are indeed some seedy areas (as there are in every large city in the world).
Many of them also don't want to adopt Dutch culture and values, instead insisting we adopt or at least respect theirs even if those are against the law here.
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Before leaving for Germany and on his arrival, Rattle controversially attacked the British attitude to culture in general, and in particular the artists of the Britart movement, together with the poor state funding of culture in the UK. He was attacked in return for his poor understanding of conceptual and visual art.
Since his appointment, Rattle has reorganized the Berlin Philharmonic into a foundation, meaning its activities are much more under the control of the members, rather than politicians. He has also ensured that orchestra members' wages have increased quite dramatically,having fallen over the past few years.
Listening to them I wouldn't have had the slightest idea what they were about, or that they were related, other than having the same composer.
Ahem.Originally posted by HS Thomas:
Why are we talking as tho' he passed away ? Let's hope he comes back soon!
Peter den Haan | peterdenhaan.com | quantum computing specialist, Objectivity Ltd
Saucy details at some other time, perhaps
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Originally posted by HS Thomas:
When in France , I notice that unless you speak fluent French , the French will switch the conversation to be in English automatically. That's apart from the street onion sellerwho'll make great effort to understand what you are saying. They must have a ear for detecting the origin of accents.
This has happened too often to me and I thought my French was good enough.![]()
[ October 10, 2003: Message edited by: HS Thomas ]