I am learning web applications by using books but when the books start showing CRUD programming a framework is always used. In Marty Hall's "More Servlets" he is using
JSF of which Bear says
In my opinion, JSF is an abomination that should never have left the drawing board.
I need a stack that won't drive me crazy
Any examples of CRUD I can find on the Internet are always tied to a framework. I have worked my way through the Spring demo and managed to connect to my database okay but because I am learning I don't know what work the Spring is saving.
Earlier in this
thread Bear said...
if you want simple, check out my Front Man "framework". It's just a front controller that takes care of command dispatching and stays out of your way for everything else.
But Bear also mentioned using Hibernate in the same thread where JSF was mentioned.
I am looking for a sample CRUD web application that does not use any framework. Then I would like to see a sample CRUD web application that uses a framework so I can see where the framework kicks in. (Maybe Bear's framework?)
Does anyone have links to a sample CRUD application with no framework? And links to a sample CRUD application with framework that could be compared to the no framework application?
Or is there a book that would show a no framework web application doing basic CRUD for a database?
[ December 10, 2008: Message edited by: margaret gillon ]