Home of Java Skills SCJP 5.0, SCBCD, SCEA mock exams
krithika cs wrote:Can you please tell me which books you followed apart from Monkhouse and Kathy Sierra or if these two are more than enough for the preparation.Also please let me know the exact validity on the assignment submission after getting the coupon and the time gap within which the exam should be taken.
kiran sonawane wrote:i did scjp , scwcd.
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kiran sonawane wrote:i am fresher and working in php can i score well
kiran sonawane wrote:is it good to me to do scjd or scdjws for getting good job (i did scjp and scwcd)
I got my assignment somewhere in 2007 (I think April or May), together with Andrew's book. I read the book completely (except the wrapping up chapter because that was still far, far away
). Due to my job and an ankle injury I was not able to do anything on the assignment. At the start of 2009 I made my new year resolution to finally start and finish the assignment. So I have developed on it for 4 months (2-3 weeks I couldn't do anything because illness or virus on pc) when working a full-time job (so that's quiet hard). On weekdays I could spend 2-3-4 hours, in the weekends it was 6-7-8 hours. wrote:
You may develop your code using any implementation of the Java 2 platform, but the submission that you return must have been tested and shown to work under a production (not development) version of the Sun Microsystems' Java 2 platform and that platform must not have been superseded by a new production version for more than 18 months by the time you make your submission.
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krithika shekhar wrote:Hi Roel,
I have a doubt.When i download the assignment will i be given any specific id cos in the faq's it is said that the assignments will only be checked after i write the exam.On verifying with a prometric center here,I ll only be able to get the voucher for the exam(that is obvious) But how does sun identify that the exam written is for the assignement i submit.And yes is there any extra cost for downloading the assignemnt or just the payment for the voucher is sufficient.
Please revert back,
Java Certification Exam Mock Tests: SCJA SCJP 5 SCJP 6 SCJP 6 (Online Training) SCJP 6 (Instructor Led Training) SCWCD 5 SCBCD 5 SCEA 5
Roel De Nijs wrote:Hi krithika,
Sorry for the delay in my answer, but I don't monitor this forum as closely as the SCJD-forum.
First of all it's true that your assignment will be graded after you took the essay exam.
Secondly, when I did my first certification exam I received an id from Sun and one of Prometric. You can find these numbers if you login to the CertDatabase. These id's will be used to match the assignment with the essay exam. And because you already should be a SCJP (before you can take SCJD), you should already have these ids. And i suggest if you communicate with sun (through the who2contact email address for example) always provide these ids.
Finally if you pay for the assignment voucher you can download the assignment without any cost. When you're about to finish you have to request upload rights and when granted you can upload your assignment (again without any extra costs). Finally you have also to purchase the essay exam voucher.
Hopefully everything is clear.
Kind regards,
Like you could read in the 1st post I was also impressed and amazed with my score when I discovered I passed. Certainly not expected a perfect score, but of course very happy because I spend a whole lot of my free time in this assignment and try to come close to perfection.i am so impressed with your score man !
I learned a bit of PHP in the last 3 months of 2008 while developing a whole new site for the futsal team of my brother. The link can be found in my signature. The language is dutch, so I guess you won't understand anything, but it has the normal stuff for a football website: game overview, ranking, statistics, player info, match reports,...i use PHP/MySL
My advice would be to first to get some experience in Java development. Because this is one of the most challenging certificates possible. You have to provide an application that uses Locking, Networking (RMI or sockets) and GUI development. I don't say you can't take it now (and you might even pass), but it will be a very hard and difficult journey. Even for me (having 5 years experience in Java development, most of them in web development) it was hard (certainly if you try to combine it with a full-time job/study) and you have maximum a 1 year time i fit to prepare and write this freaking SCJD now ? I think i love and have passion for Programming JAVA
APIs relevant to the assignment
The assignment generally requires that you can write code using the Java programming language, using any and all constructions. You must also be able to make reasonable use of the following additional facilities and APIs:
* Thread handling and synchronization
* Swing (and AWT to the extent necessary to support Swing)
* Standard file IO (, not java.nio)
* Either: Socket-based network programming and serialization _or_ Java RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation) (your choice of one or the other, not both).
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