Raymond Gillespie wrote:How difficult is it to attach the flight object to its corresponding details button in the same row and then shoot only that object to another JSP page?
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Raymond Gillespie wrote:How difficult is it to attach the flight object to its corresponding details button in the same row and then shoot only that object to another JSP page?
Don't think in term of "attaching the flight object". Once the page is sent to the browser, all objects, all JSP-ness, and all Java-ness is gone. All that remains is the text in the HTML page.
So, as Paul pointed out, you associate something that identifies the item you want associated. That could be something like the flight number, but more often any row of a database will have an id value that has no business meaning. it's just an id. What's best to use depends upon how things are looked up in the database, and how good the database schema designer was.
Bear Bibeault wrote:Well, it would have been fine 10 years ago -- but these days, JavaScript and Ajax would more likely be involved. But I take it that's not where your head is a t yet, is it?
Bear Bibeault wrote:JavaScript and Ajax do not interfere with that process. But for now, I'd say to stick with just form submissions until you've got all that down pat. Introducing Ajax before that will just make everything harder.
So I'd recommend to go ahead with forms and hidden inputs for now.
Raymond Gillespie wrote:That didn't take long huh. I have noticed that when clicking the back button, the data is gone. How do I make it stick?
Bear Bibeault wrote:What does this back button do, and why do you even have a redundant back button on the page?
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