Graham Wolk wrote: I can easily compile "Hello World!" no problem, but that's because it's easy and I have it memorized by this point.
Graham Wolk wrote:Again, I thank you all for the generous words of encouragement and reinforcement. I definitely do enjoy Java, and I honestly believe I have improved since I first posted this topic. I have just been doing problems and gradually learning how a completed program should look.
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
Graham Wolk wrote:Again, I thank you all for the generous words of encouragement and reinforcement. I definitely do enjoy Java, and I honestly believe I have improved since I first posted this topic. I have just been doing problems and gradually learning how a completed program should look. One thing that I have discovered to do is to look at completed programs, type them into NetBeans myself, then look at how it's made. Then, I will erase it and retype it the best I can from memory, formulating it each time over and over until I have fully got it completed and have redone each step so many times I understand the process.
Ryan Bishop wrote:Code Ranch is by far the best place I've found and everyone is really patient and helpful. It's actually quite touching so many people help you despite the fact they'll probably never meet you.
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
Ryan Bishop wrote: Personally, I would avoid the website stackoverflow. At least for beginning stuff I find it's more confusing than worth it. Code Ranch is by far the best place I've found and everyone is really patient and helpful. It's actually quite touching so many people help you despite the fact they'll probably never meet you.
If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
- Henry Ford
SCJP 1.6 SCWCD 1.5
Bear Bibeault wrote:So you'll guarantee that he'll not considered your assignment by just assuming that he won't? Does that make sense? Self-fullfilling prophecy.
I know someone like this and he is his own worst enemy: "I think I will fail at XYZ so I won't event attempt XYZ, thereby guaranteeing that I will fail at XYZ."
Chris R Barrett wrote:Sounds like your school uses D2L. I did the same thing on my first Dropbox submitted assignment. I forgot to include the .java files in the .jar I was required to submit... I was so frustrated at myself, but I emailed the instructor and ate some crow. Thing was, most of the class made the same mistake, so the teacher gave everyone a pass who had emailed him.
If you don't step up to the plate, you will fail for sure. Jose Altuve was the best hitter in Major League Baseball this year with .342. He struck out over 65% of the time, but would have struck out 100% of the time if he hadn't at least tried. If your instructor says "no", you are no worse off then you are now. If he says "yes", you come out better.
“You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
Graham Wolk wrote:Is that how people learn java from scratch? Do they just have to read each individual method and class in the API index to see which one they have to use to solve the problem?
Graham Wolk wrote:I watch these tutorial videos and the instructor just throws around these values like it's nothing!
Graham Wolk wrote:And to top the *** cake all off with the *** icing, I have a University Study class for Computer Science students in which the professor tells us multiple times: "I'm gonna be honest with you all, more than half of you aren't going to be here for the spring semester. If I see 40 out of 60 of you here, I'll be elated. If I see 30 out of 60 here, I'll be happy. If I see 20 out of 60 here, it will be normal like other years."
Graham Wolk wrote:but why why why in the WORLD would you tell a class of aspiring computer science majors that?
Paul Murray-Cbr wrote:To get rid of the people who just can't code. The plan is to pull in a whole slew of people, sign them up, and then savagely whittle them don in the first few semesters. The alternative would be giving people an aptitude test - and how are you going to know that your aptitude test is filtering out the right people?
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Blake Edward wrote:I can really relate to your original post...
...I had to draw lots of pictures and diagrams. I stopped coding on the computer and started writing all of this down on paper. I created visually engaging diagrams that I hung in my cube at work so I could stare at them in my spare time.
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
Graham Wolk wrote:So basically he is almost rhetorically confused, I honestly think he genuinely expected more to be done, but I seriously only had a couple lines of code and that's about it, as I really had no idea what to be done on the exam.
What do I say? Was it just a mistake in general to send him an email about this if I didn't even have all that much code to begin with? :/
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
“You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
OCMJEA - In progress - studying, OCPJP 7 - 90%, OCAJP 7 - 93%
No, we shan't delete it. We only delete things if they are offensive, breach of copyright or breach the rules of the forum.Silviu Burcea wrote: . . .
I really hope that forum admins won't delete this. . . .
Silviu Burcea wrote:managers always want more and more, pressure will increase over time if you're not great
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Pressure increases over time regardless. That's one reason it is important to keep growing one's skills.
"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow" - Dogbert
Articles by Winston can be found here
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:
Silviu Burcea wrote:managers always want more and more, pressure will increase over time if you're not great
Pressure increases over time regardless. That's one reason it is important to keep growing one's skills.
OCMJEA - In progress - studying, OCPJP 7 - 90%, OCAJP 7 - 93%
Aaron Shawlington wrote:we started with about 20. At the end there were 4 of us.
We usually keep quiet about the JLS because we know how difficult it can be to understand.Aaron Shawlington wrote: . . . the JLS (java language specification) will explain all of the different elements of the language. . . .
Joe Ess wrote:
Camp outside your professor's office. Ask lots of questions. You paid for the class. Get your money's worth!
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -Walt Disney
Rodge Paroissiaux wrote:I suck at this stuff. Now. But in a year or so... well, I guess we will see then.
Junilu Lacar wrote:
Rodge Paroissiaux wrote:I suck at this stuff. Now. But in a year or so... well, I guess we will see then.
You just reminded me of something our own Cowgirl extraordinaire, Kathy Sierra, wrote:
I think the suck threshold and passion threshold apply when you're learning how to program, too. So, yeah, stick with it and try to get over that suck threshold. You might find it rough going trying to get over that "wall" but once you get past it, the sense of accomplishment you get is a great rush.
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -Walt Disney
Rodge Paroissiaux wrote:That is a nice read, I particularly liked the "Don't you DARE throw out that stack of journals, magazine articles, web printouts, partly-read books, and blogs. I really am going to get to them." part.
Graham Wolk wrote:Oh boy... Guys, I need some more advice here.
So I emailed my professor about the exam being regraded and put in the correct files. What he responded was his questioning that he only saw a few lines of code, some printed integers, and the other three were pretty much blank.
The only problem is, this is my code for the exam......
So basically he is almost rhetorically confused, I honestly think he genuinely expected more to be done, but I seriously only had a couple lines of code and that's about it, as I really had no idea what to be done on the exam.
What do I say? Was it just a mistake in general to send him an email about this if I didn't even have all that much code to begin with? :/
Junilu Lacar wrote:
Rodge Paroissiaux wrote:That is a nice read, I particularly liked the "Don't you DARE throw out that stack of journals, magazine articles, web printouts, partly-read books, and blogs. I really am going to get to them." part.
That resonates with me, too. The now long-defunct Computer Language magazine printed a letter of mine to the editor confirming their description of their typical reader as middle-aged and someone who never threw out old issues of computer magazines. I don't know if I'm still middle-aged anymore —am I really looking at another half a century before I check out?!!—but I admit to having an ever-growing collection of I'll-get-to-reading-them-some-time magazines in the basement.
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -Walt Disney
Michaell Sam wrote:I don't know about you but the feeling when you finally get the program to run correctly is the best feeling on earth. It's what I use as motivation, the chance to get to feel that feeling, maybe you can relate and try to use that as well!
Graham Wolk wrote:I know this isn't a coding question or anything like that, but I started my Compsci class about 4 weeks ago, and so far I've been having trouble with it. The class is Java 1-Object Oriented Java. I know a lot of the terms already, such as classes, methods, objects, blah blah blah, if we had a vocabulary test I'd ace it. I can easily compile "Hello World!" no problem, but that's because it's easy and I have it memorized by this point.
However, I am struggling with just general problems. I'm trying some practice problems on codingBat my teacher set up, and I just can't seem to get any of them right. I try to manipulate the code to how I think it should work, and it comes out wrong.
I always ask people for help, but they either do it for me, to which I learn nothing, or I am explained this process that makes 0 sense to me. "For the seed value you have to import java.util.Random then use a substring to blah blah blah" I'm lost. And it is *not* a matter of me just simply not "getting" the language or not "having the mind of a programmer", I believe anyone can learn anything if they try. I just can't seem to put everything into it's perspective.
For example, when doing boolean practice problems, I looked at the solution and realized that "if" and "||" and "!" are all symbols and words that are used to solve those types of problems. How ***** am I supposed to know that? Is there something I'm missing? Is everything I need to know about booleans explained in it's description in the API index?
Is that how people learn java from scratch? Do they just have to read each individual method and class in the API index to see which one they have to use to solve the problem? It frustrates me immensely when it's revealed to me that some far-fetched process is used to solve a problem. Like there are so many different ways you can solve a java problem that I simply have no idea where to start. I don't know what the compiler will and won't take, it's almost totally *** random.
Am I just not good at Java? Plain and simple, I mean I really want to be good at it, I REALLY do. I want to be able to say, "Yeah, I know a thing or two about Java", and looking at it from outside the box, you can say to yourself, "Java doesn't seem that difficult, you just input different phrases and characters in certain ways to output a function", but it's so much more cryptic and confusing than that, to the inexperience Java programmer, ie me.
A lot of kids in my class seem to know what's going on. I'm sure there are a few to admit they don't, but I know a lot of computer whizzes that can display a blue rectangle and say, "Oh this is baby stuff." How did *THEY* get so good??? Does a magic genie come to you at night and grant you the ability to just "get" Java? I really do feel like I am missing some huge step here or something. I watch these tutorial videos and the instructor just throws around these values like it's nothing! "Ok so what you have to do here is simply use DJFHIAN function and then "+"; () [] String args data inDeXHereby which will give you &^^^& + 6664553 = 99928; then simply do[]; and then you get result = 2, easy!"
And to top the *** cake all off with the *** icing, I have a University Study class for Computer Science students in which the professor tells us multiple times: "I'm gonna be honest with you all, more than half of you aren't going to be here for the spring semester. If I see 40 out of 60 of you here, I'll be elated. If I see 30 out of 60 here, I'll be happy. If I see 20 out of 60 here, it will be normal like other years."
That's really *** encouraging. Yep, the same 'easy' Java course leaves nearly 12% of the students left for the next semester, apparently. Dafuq? Maybe he has a point, but why why why in the WORLD would you tell a class of aspiring computer science majors that? I cannot be the only one that is seriously bothered by his saying this. That's like going to Haiti to donate food and telling each of the children you're donating to, "Okay little ones, I hate to be painfully honest with you, but by next week only 20 out of the 100 here will still be alive, there's just something about living that seems to be hard for you people!"
All in all, if I try and try and fail, and I sink with the ship, what are my other options for working with computers for a living? I mean I can always talk to my advisor, but I would like to hear a general opinion here. I want to be an I.T. technician, but I took Computer Science because I figured it'd be good to get the general knowledge of all thinks Computer based. Could I still be an I.T. without learning how to program? Is programming NECESSARY to land a computer job even if you don't want to go into something that would involve it in the work field?
Thanks for reading.
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