Chris Heinz wrote:Chapter 15, page 850.
The figure on this page is a figure from Chapter 9, page 494.
Sergey Butenko wrote:Chapter 7, page 399: "What happens if we call the close() multiple times? It depends. For classes that implement AutoCloseable, the implementation is required to be idempotent. Which means you can call close() all day and nothing will happen the second time and beyond. It will not attempt to close the resourse again and it will not blow up. For classes that implement Closeable, there is no such guarantee.
Sergey Butenko wrote:the same incorrect statements are on page 400 (table 7-5 comparing Closable and AutoClosable)
Sergey Butenko wrote:on page 405 (two-minute drill, "Autoclosable Resources with a try-with-resources statement", 3rd bullet from top)
Morten Banzon wrote:Chapter 9, page 511, last paragraph :
If you forget and use the String " readOnly ," Java will silently ignore the statement and the file will still allow anyone to write to it.
Raul Saavedra wrote:Chapter 6, the section "Enhanced for loop (for Arrays)" (location 6667 in Kindle).
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Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:On page 498, test1 should be test1.txt in both examples. (added to wiki page)
reported here
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
Chris Heinz wrote:
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:On page 498, test1 should be test1.txt in both examples. (added to wiki page)
reported here
Don't mean to be a pain, but it looks like the addition to the official errata thread is still incorrect.
Raul Saavedra wrote:A very minor thing. In chapter 07, Kindle location 7796, not long before table 7-3, there is an "Exam Watch" box
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
Chris Heinz wrote:Page 470 Chapter 8 Question 7
Edit: actually, removing the first " " from line 5 will result in a compile error because the + operator is not overloaded for an int and a stringbuilder object, so that is not a valid fix. Removing the second " " works.
Chris Heinz wrote:Page 518 Chapter 9 I/O
I believe, should be:
Now what do you think would happen if we changed FileVisitResult.SKIP_
SUBTREE to FileVisitResult.TERMINATE? The output might be:
Chris Heinz wrote:Chapter 9 Self Test Question #4 Answer
On Page 538:
D is correct. The readPassword() method returns a char[]. If a char[] were used, answer B would be correct.
I believe the bolded part of the answer is incorrect as the "System.out.println("hello " + u);" output is not included in any of the answers. Consider removing the sysout line from the code snippet or adding the sysout output to answers A, B, and C.
Raul Saavedra wrote:The modification in ch04 that we discussed in the separate thread ("String Concatenation Operator & Garbage Collection (K&B7 CH5 Q9)") is not yet reflected in the errata page so here I copy/paste your own proposed fix:
Statement in chapter 4 (near Kindle location 5025) is misleading/wrong as it implies the sum is first turned into a String before being concatenated to the other String (which would double the number of objects).
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
Chris Heinz wrote:Chapter 10 Self Test Question #3
question 3
- "F is correct." --> That's Incorrect! To have a singleton pattern you must have a private constructor. Class F doesn't have a private constructor, so this can't be an example of the singleton design pattern
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Raul Saavedra wrote:
Although it seemed I forgot about this errata item, it was all this time on my todo listBut thanks for this reminder. Added to errata overview.
Roel De Nijs wrote:You can find this seperate thread here, if you are interested in the complete discussion. Warning: read at your own responsibility (certainly if you new to Java)! It's so far beyond the scope of the OCAJP7 exam, it's even way beyond the scope of the OCPJP7 exam.
Raul Saavedra wrote:In chapter 10, Kindle location 10685, section "Factory Design Pattern (OCP Objective 3.7)," says:
"To review, Student only interacts with the two abstract classes Factory and BookDao."
When the sleep or wait is over, or an object's lock becomes available, the thread can only reenter the runnable state. It will go directly from waiting to running (well, for all practical purposes anyway).
OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
For the exam, we recommend you focus on the most common SQL data types and the ResultSet methods shown in Table 15-7.
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OCAJP7 (Aug 2014) | OCPJP7 (Currently Studying)
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