i wrote a program which exceeded the ranges of int so would print a constant value. At the Sun forums, they said to use BigInteger.
the code allows any number to be shown. i looked up the docs on the Math class but could not understand how to use any of its objects. for example
what does this mean ? BigInteger.valueOf(2)
and also, in the docs multiply(BigInteger val) is present which says Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this * val) how do i use it in my programs? i mean what is the format?
BigInteger.valueOf(2) returns an BigInteger with the value 2. So, you declare two to be a BigInteger with the value 2. Multiply() also returns the result of the operation, so you do
After this, myBigInt is a BigInteger with value 4, since you added it to itself, and 2 + 2 = 4. Same goes for the other, such as BigInteger.multiply().