I'm trying to figure out why the FORM FEED "\f" doesn't seem to be working? please see the <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< mark
Thanks much!
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class r3
public static void main(
String[] args)
BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("r2.out.sort"));
String line = null; String SEPARATOR = ",";
while ( (line = textReader.readLine()) != null )
String[] sa = line.split(SEPARATOR);
String fn = line;
if (fn.indexOf(".java")>0 || fn.indexOf(".xml")>0 || fn.indexOf(".jsp")>0 )
System.out.print("\f"); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
char isjsp=' ';isjsp=' ';if (fn.indexOf(".jsp")>0) isjsp='y';
BufferedReader tr2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fn));
String line2 = new String();
while ((line2 = tr2.readLine()) != null )
if (isjsp=='y') line2=line2.trim();
catch (IOException e) {System.out.println(e);}
} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println(e);}
I was searching the WEB and found this list, been looking for something like this, simple, for years, so i thought i'd share it!
ASCII Character Set
Decimal Hex Octal Print Definition
======= === ===== ====== =========================
0 00 000 NUL (Null)
1 01 001 ^A SOH (Start of heading)
2 02 002 ^B STX (Start of text)
3 03 003 ^C ETX (End of text)
4 04 004 ^D EOT (End of transmission)
5 05 005 ^E ENQ (Enquiry)
6 06 006 ^F ACK (Acknowledge)
7 07 007 ^G BEL (Ring bell)
8 08 010 ^H BS (Backspace)
9 09 011 ^I HT (Horizontal tab)
10 0A 012 ^J LF (Line feed)
11 0B 013 ^K VT (Vertical tab)
12 0C 014 ^L FF (Form feed)
13 0D 015 ^M CR (Carriage return)
14 0E 016 ^N SO (Shift out)
15 0F 017 ^O SI (Shift in)
16 10 020 ^P DLE (Data link escape)
17 11 021 ^Q DC1 (Device control 1)
18 12 022 ^R DC2 (Device control 2)
19 13 023 ^S DC3 (Device control 3)
20 14 024 ^T DC4 (Device control 4)
21 15 025 ^U NAK (Negative acknowledge)
22 16 026 ^V SYN (Synchronous idle)
23 17 027 ^W ETB (End of transmission block)
24 18 030 ^X CAN (Cancel)
25 19 031 ^Y EM (End of medium)
26 1A 032 ^Z SUB (Substitute)
27 1B 033 ESC (Escape)
28 1C 034 FS (File separator)
29 1D 035 GS (Group separator)
30 1E 036 RS (Record separator)
31 1F 037 US (
Unit separator)
32 20 040 SP (Space)
33 21 041 !
34 22 042 "
35 23 043 #
36 24 044 $
37 25 045 %
38 26 046 &
39 27 047 '
40 28 050 (
41 29 051 )
42 2A 052 *
43 2B 053 +
44 2C 054 ,
45 2D 055 -
46 2E 056 .
47 2F 057 /
48 30 060 0
49 31 061 1
50 32 062 2
51 33 063 3
52 34 064 4
53 35 065 5
54 36 066 6
55 37 067 7
56 38 070 8
57 39 071 9
58 3A 072 :
59 3B 073 ;
60 3C 074 <
61 3D 075 =
62 3E 076 >
63 3F 077 ?
64 40 100 @
65 41 101 A
66 42 102 B
67 43 103 C
68 44 104 D
69 45 105 E
70 46 106 F
71 47 107 G
72 48 110 H
73 49 111 I
74 4A 112 J
75 4B 113 K
76 4C 114 L
77 4D 115 M
78 4E 116 N
79 4F 117 O
80 50 120 P
81 51 121 Q
82 52 122 R
83 53 123 S
84 54 124 T
85 55 125 U
86 56 126 V
87 57 127 W
88 58 130 X
89 59 131 Y
90 5A 132 Z
91 5B 133 [
92 5C 134 \
93 5D 135 ]
94 5E 136 ^
95 5F 137 _
96 60 140 `
97 61 141 a
98 62 142 b
99 63 143 c
100 64 144 d
101 65 145 e
102 66 146 f
103 67 147 g
104 68 150 h
105 69 151 i
106 6A 152 j
107 6B 153 k
108 6C 154 l
109 6D 155 m
110 6E 156 n
111 6F 157 o
112 70 160 p
113 71 161 q
114 72 162 r
115 73 163 s
116 74 164 t
117 75 165 u
118 76 166 v
119 77 167 w
120 78 170 x
121 79 171 y
122 7A 172 z
123 7B 173 {
124 7C 174 |
125 7D 175 }
126 7E 176 ~
127 7F 177 DEL (Delete)
Special Codes for HTML - ampersand, number, semicolon
em-dash � #0151
copyright � #0169
#09; Horizontal tab
Line feed
Carriage Return
#32; Space
#33; ! Exclamation mark
#34; " Quotation mark
#35; # Number sign
#36; $ Dollar sign
#37; % Percent sign
#38; & Ampersand
#39; ' Apostrophe
#40; ( Left parenthesis
#41; ) Right parenthesis
#42; * Asterisk
#43; + Plus sign
#44; , Comma
#45; - Hyphen
#46; . Period (fullstop)
#47; / Solidus (slash)
#48; - #57; Digits 0-9
#58; : Colon
#59; ; Semi-colon
#60; < Less than
#61; = Equals sign
#62; > Greater than
#63; ? Question mark
#64; @ Commercial at
#65; - #90; Letters A-Z
#91; [ Left square bracket
#92; \ Reverse solidus (backslash)
#93; ] Right square bracket
#94; ^ Caret
#95; _ Horizontal bar (underscore)
#96; ` Acute accent
#97; - #122; Letters a-z
#123;{ Left curly brace
#124;| Vertical bar
#125;} Right curly brace
#126;~ Tilde
#160; Non-breaking Space
#161;� Inverted exclamation
#162;� Cent sign
#163;� Pound sterling
#164;� General currency sign
#165;� Yen sign
#166;� Broken vertical bar
#167;� Section sign
#168;� Umlaut (dieresis)
#169;� Copyright
#170;� Feminine ordinal
#171;� Left angle quote, guillemotleft
#172;� Not sign
#173;� Soft hyphen
#174;� Registered trademark
#175;� Macron accent
#176;� Degree sign
#177;� Plus or minus
#178;� Superscript two
#179;� Superscript three
#180;� Acute accent
#181;� Micro sign
#182;� Paragraph sign
#183;� Middle dot
#184;� Cedilla
#185;� Superscript one
#186;� Masculine ordinal
#187;� Right angle quote, guillemotright
#188;� Fraction one-fourth
#189;� Fraction one-half
#190;� Fraction three-fourths
#191;� Inverted question mark
#192;� Capital A, grave accent
#193;� Capital A, acute accent
#194;� Capital A, circumflex accent
#195;� Capital A, tilde
#196;� Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
#197;� Capital A, ring
#198;� Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
#199;� Capital C, cedilla
#200;� Capital E, grave accent
#201;� Capital E, acute accent
#202;� Capital E, circumflex accent
#203;� Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
#204;� Capital I, grave accent
#205;� Capital I, acute accent
#206;� Capital I, circumflex accent
#207;� Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
#208;� Capital Eth, Icelandic
#209;� Capital N, tilde
#210;� Capital O, grave accent
#211;� Capital O, acute accent
#212;� Capital O, circumflex accent
#213;� Capital O, tilde
#214;� Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
#215;� Multiply sign
#216;� Capital O, slash
#217;� Capital U, grave accent
#218;� Capital U, acute accent
#219;� Capital U, circumflex accent
#220;� Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
#221;� Capital Y, acute accent
#222;� Capital THORN, Icelandic
#223;� Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
#224;� Small a, grave accent
#225;� Small a, acute accent
#226;� Small a, circumflex accent
#227;� Small a, tilde
#228;� Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
#229;� Small a, ring
#230;� Small ae dipthong (ligature)
#231;� Small c, cedilla
#232;� Small e, grave accent
#233;� Small e, acute accent
#234;� Small e, circumflex accent
#235;� Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
#236;� Small i, grave accent
#237;� Small i, acute accent
#238;� Small i, circumflex accent
#239;� Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
#240;� Small eth, Icelandic
#241;� Small n, tilde
#242;� Small o, grave accent
#243;� Small o, acute accent
#244;� Small o, circumflex accent
#245;� Small o, tilde
#246;� Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
#247;� Division sign
#248;� Small o, slash
#249;� Small u, grave accent
#250;� Small u, acute accent
#251;� Small u, circumflex accent
#252;� Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
#253;� Small y, acute accent
#254;� Small thorn, Icelandic
#255;� Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
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