Regards,<br />Arnab
Regards,<br />Arnab
Regards,<br />Arnab
Regards,<br />Arnab
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present." Eleanor Roosevelt
Regards,<br />Arnab
A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of the idea. John Ciardi
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
So the memory must allocate locations to store both the "variables" as well as the "values".
Local primitive variable : Stack
Value assigned to Local primitive variable : Stack
Local refrence variable : Stack
Object to which the Local reference variable points : Heap
Instance primitive variable : Heap
Value assigned to Instance primitive variable : Heap
Instance reference variable : Heap
Value assigned to Instance reference variable : Heap
Regards,<br />Arnab
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of the idea. John Ciardi
- the stack and variable scoping
- the difference between a primitive and a reference variable
- the difference between a reference variable and an object
- pass-by-copy
- what lives on the heap
- instance variables vs. local variables
- how garbage collection works
Regards,<br />Arnab
Originally posted by Arnb Sen:
So are you suggesting that often-asked interview question : how many bits does an integer take is inappropriate ?
If I may ask, which book have you written ?
So are you suggesting that often-asked interview question : how many bits does an integer take
is inappropriate ?
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
Originally posted by Bert Bates:
As far as books I've written, I've written a few Java books, mostly at the beginner to intermediate level, and a fair amount aimed at Sun certifications.
Originally posted by Arnb Sen:
...So the memory must allocate locations to store both the "variables" as well as the "values"....
No, the program only allocates a location in memory to store the value of the variable.
Regards,<br />Arnab
Regards,<br />Arnab
Regards,<br />Arnab
A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of the idea. John Ciardi
Originally posted by Bert Bates:
As far as books I've written, I've written a few Java books,
Originally posted by Marc Verschueren:
As an 'old' procedural type programmer the Head First Java book made the difference in understanding the topics (stack, heap, ...) mentioned here.
Piscis Babelis est parvus, flavus, et hiridicus, et est probabiliter insolitissima raritas in toto mundo.
This is starting to get a little surreal
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
I hired a bunch of ninjas. The fridge is empty, but I can't find them to tell them the mission.
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater