posted 20 years ago
I had two Algorithms/Data structures classes. I think one was a 200 level class. We talked about 3-4 basic sorts (bubble, insert, maybe one more), and then a bunch of data structures. we coded our own stacks, queues, linked lists, etc.
The class was in C, so there was a major amount of coding being done for each project.
i also had a 300 level class. in it, we did a LOT of math, and figuring out which sort is the most efficient... which came in handy at work when they were using a quick-sort to insert 1000 or so records into an already sorted list of millions (by writting an insertion sort, i cut execution time from 20+ hours to 30 minutes (and old VMS mainframe)).
At any rate, it was a lot more mathy, and less code-y.
hope that helps.
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors