your program opens, you select option 5 to load the customer/s file
and this is where you are stuck.
if this is correct,
1) if the customer data is saved into a file then
you should be creating a Customer object
2) it probably would be better to use an ArrayList rather than an array,
so you can easily add new Customers. If the customers are to have a CustomerID,
a HashMap would be better
this is roughly the changes to your code
to get this to work, create a class Variable
Map customers = new HashMap();
create up a Customer class
you need to break up the customer's data from the file (after reading it into 'line')
String's split() will do that for you - it returns an array
String[] bits = line.split("\\|");\\where "\\|" is a regex for '|', a common delimeter
Creating the customer object
Customer cust = new Customer(bits[0],bits[1],bits[2]);
(probably would check bits.length to ensure it is = 3)
add the customer object to the hashmap
customers.put(bits[2],cust);//where bits[2] is the customersID, or 'key' for the hashmap
put it all together and you should have it