ME: We all like to keep our food down?
DW: There are societies in which they eat things that I would puke just looking at. You could have a
chicken vs. egg discussion of whether disgust at ugly naked people is natural or conditioned, but that doesn't change the simple fact of it. There have been and are societies where people felt comfortable around others without clothing, so the current response of a randomly selected American is a poor indicator of how things should work in an ideal society.
ME: Ok, but nudity is not pornography, which is what we've been about in this topic so far.
DW: Where is the line between nudity and pornography? I'll grant that there is a line, but I think the line isn't as big as it seems. Suppose one site has images of people engaged in sexual activity. The next has images of naked women posing in suggestive positions alone. The next has images of flashing during Mardi Gras. The next has images from a hidden camera of naked people who aren't thinking about sex and didn't know they were being filmed. The last has women in suggestive positions but without full nudity. Which ones are porn, which are just nudity, and which are something else altogether? There's a close relationship between nudity and pornography even if they aren't the same.
ME: Nope, but again, nudity isn't the core issue. Displays of adult sexual behavior in front of children, that's what we're talking about here.
DW: The concern here is that kids in a certain age range who see explicit sexual content will go on to do stupid things (I don't see any possible harm in kids completely failing to understand, just in misunderstanding). Kids always do stupid things. I've seen kids pick up dirty pennies off public bus floors and shove them into their mouths. I wonder: What's the worst that could happen if kids were aware of sex, would it scar anyone for life, and how likely would it be? Don't forget to turn off 2004 perspective and think about the question in the proper context.
ME: On the most practical of levels, most cultures seem to understand that pure nudity in most societies serves no practical purpose of its own, other than public demonstration. As such, it might make for an interesting 'message,' but has few useful purposes to serve.
DW: I'm not claiming it's useful, I'm claiming it's meaningless in the greater cosmic scheme of things. I'm not concerned with what you
will do if I walk up to you without any pants on. I'm concerned with what you
should do if that scenario. I can't think of any reason why the presence or lack of pants should change the way we interact, or why people should be able to fall in love in PG movies but not take off their clothes and have sex.