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TreeMap question#1
Anthony Alexander
Posts: 15
posted 18 years ago
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How come when I have an array of TreeMaps and I try to view some values, I only see the last entry?
for (int yy=0; yy<N; yy++) //Loop through each treemap in array { for(String xx : WeightData[yy].keySet( )) { System.out.println(xx + " " + WeightData[yy].get(xx)); } }
other part of code segment:
public static TreeMap<String, Double> []WeightData = new TreeMap[Docs.length];
I apologise, N is defined in main program as 10 and there are already items in WeightData array treemap at this point.
Keith Lynn
Ranch Hand
Posts: 2412
posted 18 years ago
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Can you show all of the code?
Anthony Alexander
Posts: 15
posted 18 years ago
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OK Here goes. It is a information retrieval program. You will need ten text files (words.txt-words10.txt) to run it.
It is still in progress so it may be hard to follow.
// v1.60 // --------------- // Obtained Vector Lengths for Query and Document(s). // // Only two things left: // 1. Dot Products (Q.D1, Q.D2...Q.D10) - Loop of some sort. // 2. Calculate Similarity Values - // "Sim[x] = DotProducts[x] / VLQuery * VLDoc[x]" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.util.*; // Provides TreeMap, Iterator, Scanner import*; // Provides FileReader, FileNotFoundException import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.*; public class Run { public static void main(String[ ] args) { // Introduction... Intro(); // Create DocId Tree Map TreeMap<String, List<Integer>> DocData = new TreeMap<String, List<Integer>>( ); readWordFile(DocData); // Ending....... Ending(); } public static int getCount (String word, TreeMap<String, Integer> DocData) { if (DocData.containsKey(word)) { // The word has occurred before, so get its count from the map return DocData.get(word); // Auto-unboxed } else { // No occurrences of this word return 0; } } public static void readWordFile(TreeMap<String, List<Integer>> DocData) { Scanner wordFile; String word; // A word read from the file Integer count; // The number of occurrences of the word TreeMap<String, Integer> []FreqData = new TreeMap[Docs.length];// initialize the array JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Firstly, going to read index terms from database\ninto" + "\n<FreqData>\nTreeMap array. Index terms are set to lower case. unwanted symbols are" + " removed"); //**FOR LOOP TO READ THE DOCUMENTS** for (int x=0; x<Docs.length; x++) { FreqData[x] = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); //initialise array try { wordFile = new Scanner(new FileReader(Docs[x])); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(e); return; } while (wordFile.hasNext( )) { // Read the next word and get rid of the end-of-line marker if needed: word = ); // This makes the Word lower case. word = word.toLowerCase(); // Lets Clean The Word. // CleanWord(word); // NOT USED AT THE MOMENT. //Remove unwanted symbols from the word - //(Cannot replace brackets (){}[] or math operators =+*) word = word.replaceAll("!", "");word = word.replaceAll("'", ""); word = word.replaceAll(",", "");word = word.replaceAll("�", ""); word = word.replaceAll("\"", "");word = word.replaceAll("$", ""); word = word.replaceAll("%", "");word = word.replaceAll("^", ""); word = word.replaceAll("-", "");word = word.replaceAll("&", ""); word = word.replaceAll("|", "");word = word.replaceAll("@", ""); word = word.replaceAll("`", "");word = word.replaceAll("�", ""); word = word.replaceAll(":", "");word = word.replaceAll(";", ""); word = word.replaceAll("#", "");word = word.replaceAll("~", ""); word = word.replace (".", ""); //replaceAll removes whole word. word = word.replace ("?", "");//replace All crashes. // Get the current count of this word, add one, and then store the new count: count = getCount(word, FreqData[x]) + 1; // Put the word and the frequency in table FreqData[x].put(word, count); //Add DocIDs to current word List<Integer> DocIDs = DocData.get(word ); if( DocIDs == null )//If there is no array list. { DocIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>( ); //Create a new array list DocData.put( word, DocIDs );//put the word and array list in treemap } DocIDs.add( x ); //Add Document ID to the List //Need a check here. Maybe a loop that checks that the //same value of DocID does not already exist. if (DocIDs.size() >=2 ) { //If current DocID is the same as previous if (DocIDs.get(DocIDs.size()-1) == DocIDs.get(DocIDs.size()-2) ) { //Remove the current entry DocIDs.remove(DocIDs.get(DocIDs.size()-1)); } } } //SHOW CONTENTS OF CURRENT TREEMAP! - Should be a class System.out.println("\n\nTreeMap FreqData["+x+"]" + "\n\t TERM \tTERM FREQUENCY"); for(String y : FreqData[x].keySet( )) { System.out.printf("%15s %10d\n", y, FreqData[x].get(y)); //Add Term to Term Table TermTable.add(y); } } // PRINT OUT THE DOCUMENT DOC-ID TREE MAP. // IDF STUFF IS DONE HERE AS WELL. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"<Document ID TreeMap>\nIDF is calculated here by\n" + "Log[base10]( N / M ).\nWhere N is Total Number of Docs and" + "\nM is Docs Term appears in."); showDocID( DocData ); // Show weights of each - Term Frequency * IDF JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"<Weights TreeMap>\nTo be calculated by\nTermFrequency * IDF." + "\nVector Length of each Document also to be calculated\n" + "by the square root of (SUM of weight.squared)"); System.out.println("\n\nCalculate Weights"); for (int q=0; q<N; q++) { System.out.println("\nWeights from Document "+q+"\n"); VL = 0.0; for(String v : FreqData[q].keySet( )) { WeightData[q] = new TreeMap<String, Double>(); //initialise array //System.out.printf("%15s %10d\n", v, FreqData[q].get(v)); // W = TermFrequency * IDF Double W = FreqData[q].get(v) * IDFData.get(v); //System.out.println(FreqData[q].get(v)); //System.out.println(IDFData.get(v)); //System.out.println(FreqData[q].get(v)* IDFData.get(v)); //Display Weight System.out.println(q + " : " + v + " : " + W ); //Add to WeightData TreeMap WeightData[q].put(v, W); // **************Vector Length***************************************** //Lets Calculate Vector Length within Document Double Wsq = W*W; VL = VL + Wsq; //VL=+(W*W); // VL= VL + Weight squared } System.out.println("\nSquare root of " + VL + " gives us "); VL = Math.sqrt(VL); //Square root System.out.println("Doc["+q+"] Vector Length : " + VL +"\n\n"); //Store value into Vector Length array VLDoc[q] = VL; // ********************************************************************* } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Enter User query..... //Window to enter search term String Temp = (String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter search","Java"); //System output of entered word System.out.println("\n\nUser entered ["+Temp+"]"); String Word; Word = Temp.toLowerCase(); //Make entered query lower case //Break search word into terms by use of symbols String delimiters = "[' ,.!?]"; // analyse the string & break into words String[] QueryTerms = Word.split(delimiters, 0); //display string as it is in table form System.out.println("Query Words,"); int u=0; // used in loop. //Loop output of SearchWords... for(String q : QueryTerms) { System.out.println("Query Term " + u + " : " + q); u++; QueryTable.add(q); //add word to query table, why? not sure } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1. Set the Query TreeMap // ------------------------ // Loop through IDF TreeMap, find Query Word(s). // Get the IDF for each Query Term. // Put Query Term and IDF (Query Weight?) into QueryData Tree Map. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "View IDF Data.\nLook for Query words in IDF data."); //Something here, add word to Query TreeMap? System.out.println("\n\nIDF Tree Map\n-------------"); for(String xx : IDFData.keySet( )) { System.out.println(xx + " " + IDFData.get(xx)); for (int tv=0; tv<QueryTerms.length; tv++) { if (QueryTerms[tv].equals(xx)) //If current query term is in IDF Table { System.out.print("****Match!*****\n\n"); //Show match. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "[ " + xx + " ] found with\nWeight : " + IDFData.get(xx)); //Pop Window Display //Put Query word and weight into Tree Map QueryData.put(xx, IDFData.get(xx)); } } } //Lets see the Query TreeMap. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Look at QueryData TreeMap"); System.out.println("\n\nQueryData TreeMap"+"\n--------------------------"); for(String xx : QueryData.keySet( )) { System.out.println(xx + " " + QueryData.get(xx)); //**************Vector Length***************************************** //Lets Calculate Vector Length for the Query Double Wsq2 = QueryData.get(xx)*QueryData.get(xx); VLQuery = VLQuery + Wsq2; } System.out.println("\nSquare root of " + VLQuery + " gives us "); VLQuery = Math.sqrt(VLQuery); //Square root and store System.out.println("Query Vector Length : " + VLQuery +"\n\n"); //********************************************************************* // 2. Vector Lengths // ----------------- // Have to compute the vector lengths now. // Going to have to compute for the query now, Documents are done already. // Have to square all weights and then square root the total. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Now we have computed the Vector length\n" + "For The Query and also for the documents.\n\n" + "The next thing to do is:\nDot products for each document" + " which are calculated by taking\nSUM of Query word weight" + " Multiplied by term weight in document."); // 3. Dot Products // ---------------- // Dot products for each document are calculated by taking query word weight // Multiplied by term weight in document. // Will be using QueryData treemap, WeightData[] treemap and storing in DotProduct[]. System.out.println("\n\nDot Product\n--------------\n"); //Test for (int yy=0; yy<N; yy++) //Loop through each document { for(String xx : WeightData[yy].keySet( )) { System.out.println(xx + " " + WeightData[yy].get(xx)); } } //**ERROR ABOVE******** //Prints out TreeMap with DocID public static void showDocID( Map<String,List<Integer>> m ) { System.out.println("\n\nDOC ID TREEMAP"); for( int i = 0; i < INDENT*2; i++ ) //Indent now is dash (*2) System.out.print( "-" ); Set<String> keys = m.keySet( ); for( String k : keys ) { System.out.print( "\n"+k ); System.out.print( ":" ); for( int i = k.length( ); i < INDENT; i++ ) //Indent is just 30 spaces System.out.print( " " ); List<Integer> lines = m.get( k ); Iterator<Integer> itr = lines.iterator( ); System.out.print( ) ); //Show the frequencies while( itr.hasNext( ) ) System.out.print( ", " + ) ); System.out.println( ); //IDF STUFF M = lines.size(); IDF = Math.log10(N/M); System.out.println("\nDOC FREQ " + M + ", IDF " + IDF); //Add to IDF TreeMap IDFData.put(k, IDF); //Add IDF to IDF Table IDFTable.add(IDF); //Add Doc Frequency to Table DocFreqTable.add(M); for( int i = 0; i < INDENT*2; i++ ) //Indent now is dash (*2) System.out.print( "-" ); } } // Clean word, make it user friendly public static String CleanWord(String word) { //Trim blank spaces from word (Index word) //word = word.trim(); //Remove unwanted symbols from the word - //(Cannot replace brackets (){}[] or math operators =+*) word = word.replaceAll("!", "");word = word.replaceAll("'", ""); word = word.replaceAll(",", "");word = word.replaceAll("�", ""); word = word.replaceAll("\"", "");word = word.replaceAll("$", ""); word = word.replaceAll("%", "");word = word.replaceAll("^", ""); word = word.replaceAll("-", "");word = word.replaceAll("&", ""); word = word.replaceAll("|", "");word = word.replaceAll("@", ""); word = word.replaceAll("`", "");word = word.replaceAll("�", ""); word = word.replaceAll(":", "");word = word.replaceAll(";", ""); word = word.replaceAll("#", "");word = word.replaceAll("~", ""); word = word.replace (".", ""); //replaceAll removes whole word //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, word); return word; //Return 'cleaned' word. } public static void Intro() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Conrad McLaughlin\n524318", "Final Year BEng Project", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Run! (Beta Version 1.25)\n\n- Created an Inverted Index" + "\n- Computed Term Frequency\n- Calculated Inverse Document Frequency" + "\n- Worked out the weight of each term after 2nd pass through index."); } public static void Ending() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "End"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static final int INDENT = 30; // Array of documents static String Docs [] = {"words.txt", "words2.txt","words3.txt", "words4.txt", "words5.txt", "words6.txt","words7.txt", "words8.txt", "words9.txt", "words10.txt",}; //IDF Stuff public static int N = Docs.length; //Size of database public static int M = 0;//Document frequency public static double IDF;//IDF //Table to hold IDFs. public static ArrayList IDFTable = new ArrayList <Integer>(); //Table to hold all terms. public static ArrayList TermTable = new ArrayList <String>(); //Table to hold Doc Freqs. public static ArrayList DocFreqTable = new ArrayList <String>(); //Table to hold Weights. public static ArrayList WeightTable = new ArrayList <Double>(); // IDF data TreeMap public static TreeMap<String, Double> IDFData = new TreeMap (); // Weight data TreeMap. public static TreeMap<String, Double> []WeightData = new TreeMap[Docs.length]; // Query TreeMap public static TreeMap<String, Double> QueryData = new TreeMap (); //Table to hold Query terms public static ArrayList QueryTable = new ArrayList <String>(); //Array of Vector Lengths from Document public static Double [] VLDoc = new Double [N]; //Same size as Docs Length public static Double VL; //Temp. Vector Length for Document // Double variable for query vector length public static Double VLQuery = 0.0; //Only one vector length value for Query //Array of Dot Products for each Document public static Double [] DotProduct = new Double [N]; //Same size as Docs Length public static Double DP; //Temp. Dot Product ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
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