Tony Alicea
Senior Java Web Application Developer, SCPJ2, SCWCD
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
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Originally posted by Jeffrey Hunter:
Apparently the hunger for power and playing politics is more important the winning the war to some people. Here we are, quarreling with each other, busying ourselves with assigning blame, and all the while our troops are getting shot up, blown up and burned for the cause. I have no bones with criticizing the current administration, but calling for resignations? Please, while you're at it why not shed your colors and go fight for the other team.
"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does."
Originally posted by John Dunn:
JK: Some people do not think that Iraq was a threat and do not think that the US should have attacked.
I bet those same people didn't think Afganistan was a threat, prior to 9/11. Which, btw, didn't stop them from condemning Connie Rice, Rummy, and George Dub for not doing enough prior to 9/11.
Gore is making a grab for power. He hurt the Dems with his arrogance during the last election, now he's hurting them in this one.
"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does."
Originally posted by Joe King:
In WWII Chamberlain was forced to resign and was replaced by Churchill who turned out to be a more suitable leader for the war - changing a leader does not mean that a country is giving up.
[ May 27, 2004: Message edited by: Joe King ]
So, this begs the question--exactly what monumental transgression, what severe misfeasance warrants the removal of the current administration?
Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
If he has to sacrifice the US armed forces (all 200.000 or so) in Iraq and Afghanistan to Al Qaeda in order to achieve his goals of deposing the president he'll not blink a moment to do it.
Mark Fletcher -
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
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(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
-Mumbai cha Bhau
Originally posted by Jeffrey Hunter:
Apparently the hunger for power and playing politics is more important the winning the war to some people. Here we are, quarreling with each other, busying ourselves with assigning blame, and all the while our troops are getting shot up, blown up and burned for the cause.
I've heard it takes forever to grow a woman from the ground
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Originally posted by Joseph George:
...explain how a man can stand up in from of the American public and lie shamelessly...
Originally posted by Jeffrey Hunter:
If you accuse those of us who support the administration as blindly following our leaders like some lobotomized monkeys, then I must beg your pardon and disagree. Though I'm the first to admit that Bush has his own agenda, I hardly believe he, or any other American president, would use war as a tool to control and expand the constituency.
Two Boeing jets and a handful of terrorists dropping our towers lead to everything.
I've heard it takes forever to grow a woman from the ground
Originally posted by Joseph George:
and links to Al-Qaida (obviously fictious to anyone who knows anything about the Mid-East; Al-Qaida is strongly religous and shiite, Saddam is sunni).
Lies. How can you be so blase about being baldfaced lied to, leading to a war?
JH: To me, these soldiers did not die in vain, and they certainly did not die so the current administration could gain points in the political arena.
ME: Oh, that's awfully nice to hear from someone sitting at home on their computer. That's good. They died for a good purpose. They died because of Bush's lies.
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Al-Qaeda has ties to both Sunni and Shiite groups
but there are many well known connections between the Iranians and Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda has long since publicly supported the Palestinian terrorist
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
what is the diff btw the resistance and the terrorist ?
A freedom fighter attacks the soldiers of their enemy. A terrorist blows up buses full of children.
Originally posted by Mohan Panigrahi:
Any amount of generic explanations are not good enough. The factual and actual definition of terrorist is :
When one kills israeli children he is terrorist, when one kills palestinian children he is a freedom fighter.
From my observations I can offer a tax-free advice : When one fails to condemn an obviously heinous act, one can safely conclude that one's prejudices are taking over one's moral scruples. All terrorists acts are heinous no matter who commits them.
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Well.. if I were to apply the same generalization to the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, I presume one could state that bystanders who were killed in Afghanistan were also victims of US terrorism???
I've heard it takes forever to grow a woman from the ground
Originally posted by Paul McKenna:
Well.. if I were to apply the same generalization to the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, I presume one could state that bystanders who were killed in Afghanistan were also victims of US terrorism??? :roll:
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
In fact the nomenclature is critical. A policeman who kills an innocent civilian by mistake when trying to stop a murderer is not a murderer. Yes, it is wrong but it can not be compared to the act of the murderer. In fact, under the law the murderer may be held guilty for the death of the innocent civilian.Originally posted by Joseph George:
The nomenclature is unimportant. The fact is, when they flew airplanes into civilian buildings, it was wrong. When we kill Afghani civilians, it is wrong. Ingenious use of the passive voice, Paul. Separates the act of killing from the Americans.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
The US does not target innocent civilians. In any war, innocent civilians will die but that does not make those acts into acts of terrorism. A terrorist looks to kill the innocent to create fear. The US only wants to stop the terrorists from killing the innocent.
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
Commentary From the Sidelines of history
Originally posted by Paul McKenna:
[Cough! Cough!] My comments were supposed to be sarcastic!!
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Well.. if I were to apply the same generalization to the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, I presume one could state that bystanders who were killed in Afghanistan were also victims of US terrorism???
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