hello, I am begginer in
I had been to one interview. They asked me following questions. It will be very useful if i get some clarification about these.
1. what is the difference between overloading and overrideing. where overriding is used? overloading is same method name with different no. of orguments, return type and orgument data type. overriding--no idea.
2. what is the use of "static" infront of a class, a method and a variable? no idea at all. (variables, can be accessed without creating a handle for it)
3. Can main method overloaded or overriden? Can't be overloaded as it accepts only
String type of comman lind orguments. no idea about overriding.
4.what is the difference between static and final?--final is a constant. whose value can't be changed. No idea about difference
5. what is the difference between static
polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism, give examples.--no idea
6. what is the difference between extends and implements.
I think extends is for single inheritance where as implements is for multiple inheritance.
hope to get some help to face next interview.