The libraries here have the bad habbit of stocking mostely Dutch books

, not many good Java books around in that Lingo.
I sat out today, to buy "A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification" but they did not have it in stock.
Stood for about an hour browsing in different boooks. They all somehow did not "feel" right.
Ended up bying "The Pragmatic Programmer" because my hero Frank Carver freaks about it.
Saw this funny green Java book on the shelf but paid it no attention. It has a bug on the back, and hey I'm a mainframe programmer remember,
serious books dont have little bugs on them. As I paid for "The Pragmatic Programmer" I asked the guy behind the counter which Java book he recommended. Well he grabbed the bug book, turns out to be
Dietel & Dietel's - Java How to Program.
Our boss lady recons it helped her a lot with
Servlets. Thats the next batch of assigments. So without looking I bought it. Also turned out to be the most expensive of all the Java books

I started reading while walking to the metro station. Got on the one that just pulled in without looking and still reading. Well I got on the wrong metro and ended up on the other side of A'dam only realized it when they told everybody to get off. Took me an hour to get back on the right metro.
So after all the hard work researching which book/s to buy, I actually ended up bying impulsive.
And you guys know I make my best decisions when I do that.
So I have a good "feeling" about the two books. Will keep you posted how they turned out
Mr. Plotzeling [This message has been edited by Johannes de Jong (edited June 01, 2001).]