you need to install tomcat5.0 and
j2ee 1.5 sdk as well. then set the eviroment variables as follows; (note that this is relative to where i have installed the relevant applications)
ANT_HOME - C:\Sun\AppServer\lib\ant
CLASSPATH - .;C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\common\lib\servlet-api.jar;C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\common\lib\jsp-api.jar;
J2EE_HOME - C:\Sun(where you install the j2ee sdk)
JAVA_HOME - C:\Sun\AppServer\jdk(where you have installed the j2se jdk)
PATH - "C:\Sun\AppServer\bin";"C:\Sun\AppServer\jdk\bin";"C:\Sun\AppServer\lib\ant\bin";%PATH%
thats about it... after that just compile your code from the command promt and check... hope this helped.