A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of the idea. John Ciardi
If we were to go with Weblogic, Jboss, etc., would we be able to set up PHP as well, if for some reason we felt we wanted to do a bit of PHP work on the site as well? I know this is a little off topic for this forum, but it did come to mind.
We have, in fact, discussed a VMware solution, and are actually planning on running the primary Linux box (we're using Redhat Enterprise BTW) and the Oracle box as virtual machines on a VMWare platform. Now, we could potentially set each developer up with their own VMWare develpment environment, in addition to their local Windows development machine, but that does bring up some issues with maintaining two separate development machines for each developer (we're a little short on IT resources).
What I would like to do is have a separate web site/filespace for each developer, that they would access remotely using Eclipse on their local desktop. This way, all the files are located on a centralized machine, and we only have to maintain that one environment. In addition to the developer environments, we would also have a separate "build" environment that would be used for testing/staging/production builds before moving out to those separate environments.
First, let me just quickly outline my understanding of JSP's and Servlets. The way I'm understanding it is that Servlets are the moral equivelant of code-behinds in .NET, while the JSP's are the ASPX's of the world. I know this isn't quite an accurate representation of things, but it's close.
We could certainly go with something like Jboss (as long as it supports everything we need), and then look around for various EJB implmementations (if that's the right word), and go from there, but I'm more and more inclined to go with a single solution for everything.
In the traditional way, the developer typically have an instance of the application server, downloads the code from the CVS or SVN to his/her local SandBox in the hard drive, do the work and once the code is free of bugs, uploads it to the code repository again.
If you were pretending to mount a production server, then you may consider a commertial distribution that offers better support and stability, but for development purposes, do you really consider necessary to invest money in the OS that you yourself consider a secondary option and that you are just acquiring in order to finish this project?
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