Since I can't attach my code here, understanding the context of this question depends on having the Headfirst
Java book.
In reference to the BeatBox code in HeadFirst Java, I followed the code from the first edition book, but in
J2EE 5. (Edition 1 was written for 1.3 by the looks of it.) The program is supposed to restart the midi sequence after beat 16, but it seems to get stuck and doesn't respond to anything. To be more specific, it seems like the Meta event handler gets called recursively.
I've had a spot of bother (alright it's driving me nuts!

) in that the code for chapter 13 beatbox goes through once and fails to restart the sequence. I inserted a system.out.println("..."); line in the 'meta' method, and it seems that this is being called recursively. I need to break the recursive nature of this evident loop, but I don't know how.
I'd appreciate any help y'all can offer.