Well, I actually got me code working with 4B, and am on the brink of sending it in. The only problem I have is I can't figure a way to get rid of superfluous commas when one is not called for at the end of the final
string. Here are some examples, one that works fine I think, and then a couple that don't:
c:\java Sayb 10000500010
ten billion, five hundred thousand, ten
c:\java Sayb 1000
one thousand,
c:\java Sayb 147586000
one hundred forty-seven million, five hundred eighty-six thousand,
I'm not sure how much, if any, code I would want to post, but I think y'all have probably seen something like this before. Should I just wait to get the nit picked out of me? I'm just happy it works!!! (156 lines, including comments)
Jason Adam