I'm a cheap bastard, so I'm trying to learn what middle-of-the-road mattresses go for these days.
Anybody bought a mattress lately?
We bought one recently, a year back. Costed us $1000/-.
Queen Size, Mattress + BedFrame + (Upgrade :roll: )Stand + Free Delivery.
Generally, I consider Mid range from 500/- to 800/-. There are mattresses advertized of 380+ also, but its 'limited' - you know the deals kinda like when Mars aligns with Mercury and its midnight of a wet freezing sunday but not close to a monday!!! Yup, that exact moment of time you get the ONE mattress thats on sale.
Now I am planning to get one (if I find a deal), not the regular type but a flat bed and matress, the one like
Futon Factory makes.
- m
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