Hi Vonique,
The three things that helped me immensely were
1) adding a bunch of println("note to myself") statements all throughout the code
2) buying and reading
Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates
3) joining the
Cattle Drive here at the Ranch.
The println() statements helped me see where the code was going, or what a variable was at a certain point, or whether or not the code actually entered a code block.
The Head First book was how I found the JavaRanch in the first place, and it told Java like a story - and a good story at that.
The Cattle Drive gives feedback - previously to that I had handed in assignments in College that were 1000s of lines long, and as long as they ran, nobody said anything about them. In the Cattle Drive I learned some of the basic things to look for to make my code simpler, easier to read, easier to write and a lot friendlier to other developers, and usually a lot more efficient as well.
Asking questions here is also a great place to get help unravelling bits and pieces of code.