Im developing a client application as similar to VNC client.In that im having some problem in keyboard Mapping.
If the
Java client and Host are in french keyboard settings, the Java client receives the ascii code of the key (getkeycode).then parsing hte ascii value to the corresponding USB Key value using the HASH MAp table and send it to the Host.Then Host receives the USB code value then the OS changes the key value to the corresponding keyboard settings.
For example Im typing key 'a' (physically i typed 'a' key but the Java
receives a 'q' in the keylistener because i changed the keyboard settings
to french) in the Java client.Receives 'q' in the key listener and get
the USB code from the Hash table ans send it to the Host, then Host
receives and send it to the OS it then convert the 'q' in to 'a'
and displaying in the Host system.
How can i solve the issue mentioned above?
How can i send the UNknown location key and Unknown key code key in to the HOst