posted 16 years ago
Sorry for not being clear enough. The above was just a quick example to try and show what i am trying to achieve.
What i am trying to achieve is to store the data in objects. The data itself has a one to many relationship. This means that many names will be related to the same sequence number. I would like to store the common names (i.e. those with the same seq no) in the same object in an arraylist.
Maybe this data structure makes more sense
What im hoping to achieve is the following
- The seq object will contain one seq row (either 1,2,3,4,5,6)
- Array list in the seq object should contain all the rows for each individual seq.
- As an example if seq[3].seq = 6, the seq.namePcs() should contain all NamePcs objects tha t have id's (30,31,32,33).
Here is what i am hoping to achieve as the end result (for the first 6 rows)
I hope that made it a bit clear.
[ September 23, 2008: Message edited by: O. Ziggy ]