I am trying to connect to an oracle database but cant seem to get the
jdbc connection to work. I am developing the application on a Windows desktop and transferring it onto a Unix box.
When i
test it on the Windows environmnet it does manage to connect but if i test it on unix then i get an error. My gut feeling is that the installation on the unix environment is missing a library but i cant figure out what it is.
Here is how i am trying to get the jndi connection.
And here is the Configuration.
Context.xml (User and password modified)
And here is the stack trace of the error
What i dont understand is why it works on the installation on the windows environment but not in the Unix environment. I check all the libraries and everything under common/lib is the same for both environments.
Edited by: ziggy on Oct 1, 2008 3:48 PM
Edited by: ziggy on Oct 1, 2008 3:50 PM
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[ October 01, 2008: Message edited by: Campbell Ritchie ]