Hi this is srinivas . i have an assignment can anybody help
Here is the assignment.
String MethodName(String query, List listValues)
//Here your code
There should be a
test method i.e main in the class you are going to create
Tasks to be done:
1.Query =" VouchNumber='~VouchNum~' AND BusinessUnit='~BU~' AND InvoiceNumber='~IN~' "
HashMap will contain key value pair all strings VouchNum=00005, BU=0231,IN=3443
Output should be
" VouchNumber='00005' AND BusinessUnit='0231' AND InvoiceNumber='3443' "
2. Query =" VouchNumber='~VouchNum~' AND BusinessUnit='~BU~' AND InvoiceNumber='~IN~' "
HashMap will contain key value pair all strings VouchNum=00005, IN=3443
Output should be
" VouchNumber='00005' AND InvoiceNumber='3443' "