Okay friends,
So I'm rather confused about this class loader process and why it doesn't want to go about its business in the manner I expect. I normally use eclipse and I suppose it has become a crutch as this problem demonstrates.
I have read
How To Set The Classpath I can run any project I want in eclipse just fine. However I can't run anything from the command line as I want to. Below should be an image I took of my classpath side by side with my CMD line. Here you can see:
1) Searching for my desired file
2) evidence that such a file exists in this directory
3) me attempting to call this class's main method
4) the error
5) my CLASSPATH variable showing clearly that ".;" ie my current directory is part of the path and therefor (I thought) the class loader should be able to find it.
advise on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.