From time to time problems continue to occurs :-)
I use original server.xml file without any changing...
I try example from the link you sent to me (it's application stored into-jsp-example/secure/protected, in the FORM type authentication). It work about MemoryRealm, so I use username and password from tomcat-users.xml, and it works!
I try to use my customize page (everything is the-copied from web.xml of jsp-example, application, except source protection, and it's also FORM type, and MemoryRealm). Now I got some
Thread exception thrown by container it self (it's displayed in the window), and the same is happened if I uncomment the JDBCRealm, and use it 9so I don't perform anything else, just uncomment JDBCRealm and tune url and other settings to use databse).It also wont' work, with the same problem.
Now when I perform BASIC authentication, either to use MemoryREalm (using tomcat-users.xml) or JDBCRealm (using particular database) It works!
I hope I've explain you plainly my problem, and I believe that there is some collision inside server.xml file...