Hi, i've been trying to do file uploading(all kind of files) in
jsp since 3 weeks ago,but nothing is working..
Im using apache
tomcat 5.0, j2re1.4.2_13 and MySql.. Im doing a report, where the user will create the report and do some file attachment in it. The report will be saved in database, where the report date will be the primary key. So, this report will be view by managers for approval process. So, during the view process, the report should get back the file attachment according to the reportdate from folder.And the file attachments should be able to open and view by the managers. Now, i've create the form, database and it's working well. The only thing pending is the "file attachment" part. I've try a lot of examples, but none is working. It would be great, if someone show me how to do this. I really hope, someone will guide me as soon as possible. My managers are chasing me for this report. Please help me..