posted 16 years ago
I have left and right pane in my screen. Left will have a tree and clicking the tree will show a form in the right side pane. I have few mandatory fields
in my form.
The problem I face is, if I submit the form with some mandatory fields empty. I am getting validation error with required message as expected.
The strange behavior is, when i click on the left side tree link to populate values in the form after getting validation problem. Only those fields which failed validation gets updated with proper values leaving the values which we entered in mandatory fields unchanged.
I will give an example to make you better understand.
1. Consider the left side tree has a list of students and right side
form has First name and Last name.
2. If you try to add/modify a student with empty Last name, you will
get "Last name required" message.
3. Now if you try to click on a different student from the tree, only
Last name which had a validation problem previously will be
properly populated and First name will always be the same which
was there during the validation problem.
Please let me know what I should do solve this issue. This is becoming critical to solve day by day.
Thanks in advance.
Wish me good luck for my SCJP exam next week. :-)