I am hitting some errors when trying to use fileuploader that comes with
JSf My
<hx:fileupload styleClass="fileupload" id="fileupload1"
<hx:fileProp name="fileName" />
<hx:fileProp name="contentType" />
<hx:progressBar auto="true" timeInterval="1000" proportion="5"
styleClass="progressBar" id="bar1" style="color: #fd025a"
initHidden="true" outward="true" message="Upload Success">
I am unable to see the status bar...when i Click my submit button that submits the form.
or else do i need to have a separate button for the upload process.
my other concern is, how do i save the file i upload from my jsp.
I am a novice javascript:%20x()in JSF.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
S R I.javascript:%20x()