posted 16 years ago
I am unable to setup environement, here are the steps I did...
1. installed Web Sphere portal 6.1 trial version.(Downloaded trial version from IBM web site)
2. Installed RAD 7.0.(trial Version)
3. Created simple portlet application (followed the steps given in the attached pdf.)
4. Configured new server as said in page 14 in the pdf.
5. when i start the server as said, it is in Starting Server state for long period and not started.
6. Not able to get the Output. do i have to configure anything?
So I could not able to start it through RAD, So I started server from Programs(Start->Programs->IBM WebSphere->Portal Express6.1->Start the server).This time I could able to start the server but
(a) unable to login to the Admin Console- It is showing some certification error(Find the attached image-WebSphereError) and
(b) also I don't know how to access the Sample Portal Application that I have written(mentioned in the step 3 above) -please give steps to access my portal App.
It is urgent ..Please help me out..thanks in advance...
thank you.
[ November 24, 2008: Message edited by: ashok kumar reddy R ]
[ November 24, 2008: Message edited by: Ashok Reddy ]