Hi all,
After I've done a lot of google, I have to ask to see if anyone can give me a light.
I have developed an application which I want to make it as a web service.
I know that in Axis 1 we can simplely copy axis.jar into my web application's wen-inf/lib directory to make it as a web service.
However, in axis 2 according to what I've seen so far is to deploy apache's axisr2.war into application server (Like
tomcat 5.5) then upload my application as a jar file into axis2.war which technically works but as my job I want to have my application to be a web service rather than deploy it into axis2.war to execute it.
I've seen some people on the internet saying that I can still do the same way as axis 1 (copy the axis2's jar into my web application to make my application running a a web service) but I havn't seen even one example yet, can anyone please give me some idea or any document that can help me to figure it out?