Hi Ulf,
Axis 1 supports the JAX-RPC API (amongst others), while Axis 2 supports JAX-WS (amongst others). So if your service uses JAX-RPC, you're in for some rework.
I have previously working webservice in Axis all the Stubs and necessary clients are created for that working webservice. Now as to upgrade to support the additional functionality which is being provided in Axis2 with the help of "XMLBeans" databinding, Which can tolerate the change in the incoming request message such as When in an input request message's object three part are present and we can give the values for the two parts and the third part is alloted to the default value and our webservice get invoked and full fill the request.
In this activity, I think all the stub structure will be change as previously in old version it generating the Locater class, stub and other supporting classes. So i wanted to know whether the same client written previously will work for the new updated environment. or I should have to write the new client by completely reworking on that.
Please help me to understand this gotcha.