Developing Web Services Using JAX-WS
Originally posted by Damodar Mukherjee:
Bur how can I sure that the service provider hav the class CalculatorService in the server???
You can't be sure of
that. com.techtip.jaxws.sample.CalculatorService is your own client-side
class that is generated by JAX-WS
wsimport tool based on the WSDL.
For all the client knows the service is written in Cobol which has no idea of "classes". However the service "promises" to follow the (interface) contract as specified in the WSDL document. In that contract it probably publishes the service under the universal name of {}CalculatorService
So all the assurances you need are in the contract which is published at
http://localhost:8080/jaxws-webservice/CalculatorService?WSDL See also
Confusion in writing web service client + jax-ws [ November 19, 2008: Message edited by: Peer Reynders ]