Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Originally posted by prasanth duggirala:
Hi Can we pass parameters to a web method in URL what we created
for example in .NET it is possible.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Originally posted by prasanth duggirala:
i got the answer for getting the URL of the Route Overview ...
Now i Had anew xml which i want to show the attribute values for xml shown below
In POI Element iam reciving "Phonenumber" and "POIName" this attributes have values i want to show only the attribute values can you help me on this.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
Originally posted by Gautam Tiwari:
If you have such big xml and change prone requirements I believe its best to use put a data binding mecahnism like Castor or JIBX (I am a real fan).
Originally posted by Peer Reynders:
You didn't mention JAXB which is now included in Java SE 6 and can be easily added to Java SE 5. JiBX is really the only choice when you need to bind an existing schema to an existing object model (the others tend to generate one from the other) which you then have to manually map. The primary use case for these XML binding frameworks is when you bind an entire XML document to an object model - i.e. you need access to all aspects of the XML document.
Also I have to disagree that XML binding is suited to situations where the underlying XML Schema of the XML document is prone to change. Binding frameworks bind according to the entire schema, so when the schema changes the binding breaks and has to be regenerated. Now if you require complete (bi-directional) binding, then a binding framework will speed up the process of reacting to change when compared to hand-coded (un)marshalling logic.
In this case we are only interested in one or two isolated items in a much larger XML document. An XPath expression can quickly acquire these; furthermore there are many smaller changes that can be made to the underlying schema of the XML document that will not invalidate the XPath expression.So because the XPath expression lets us focus on only the portion of the XML document that we are interested in, rather that the entire XML document (as a binding framework would do) the XPath expression is actually more resilient in the face of change.
Thanks & Regards,<br />Prasanth Duggirala.
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