Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
Hello "Enrico T"-
You may have missed that we have a policy on screen names here at JavaRanch. Basically, it must consist of a first name, a space, and a last name, and not be obviously fictitious. Since yours does not conform with it, please take a moment to change it, which you can do right here.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
As to your question, what do you mean by "interact"? Axis is implemented as a web app, with the AxisServlet mapped to all requests for URLs starting with "/services/*". So in that respect it works like any other servlet.
I realize this is probably not what you were asking; maybe you can provide some more detail what you are asking.
<transportReceiver name="http"
<parameter name="port">8080</parameter>
<!-- Here is the complete list of supported parameters (see example settings further below):
port: the port to listen on (default 6060)
hostname: if non-null, url prefix used in reply-to endpoint references (default null)
originServer: value of http Server header in outgoing messages (default "Simple-Server/1.1")
requestTimeout: value in millis of time that requests can wait for data (default 20000)
requestTcpNoDelay: true to maximize performance and minimize latency (default true)
false to minimize bandwidth consumption by combining segments
requestCoreThreadPoolSize: number of threads available for request processing (unless queue fills up) (default 25)
requestMaxThreadPoolSize: number of threads available for request processing if queue fills up (default 150)
note that default queue never fills up: see HttpFactory
threadKeepAliveTime: time to keep threads in excess of core size alive while inactive (default 180)
note that no such threads can exist with default unbounded request queue
threadKeepAliveTimeUnit: TimeUnit of value in threadKeepAliveTime (default SECONDS) (default SECONDS)
<!-- <parameter name="hostname">http://www.myApp.com/ws</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="originServer">My-Server/1.1</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="requestTimeout">10000</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="requestTcpNoDelay">false</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="requestCoreThreadPoolSize">50</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="RequestMaxThreadPoolSize">100</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="threadKeepAliveTime">240000</parameter> -->
<!-- <parameter name="threadKeepAliveTimeUnit">MILLISECONDS</parameter> -->
Originally posted by Enrico Tamellin:
F) Conclusion: THE THREAD OF TOMCAT CONNECTION THREAD POOL is not free until it finishes the Axis2 service.
Originally posted by Peer Reynders:
Just out of curiosity - what is motivitating this line of inquiry?
Look! I laid an egg! Why does it smell like that? Tiny ad, does this smell weird to you?
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater