Originally posted by yesaya handoyo: i need help about adding row to jtable..These are the codes that i've make using netbeans..
If you had created a thread on a cooking forum and wrote "I need help about making a cake..These are the ingredients that I'm using," what kind of response would you expect?
I'd expect something like "Ok, have fun with that" or "Don't forget to grease the pan." I wouldn't expect anything more specific because you haven't actually asked a question.
You forgot the part where you say something like "when I add the lemon juice the batter curdles, how do I prevent that?"
Originally posted by yesaya handoyo: This is the code that i get from netbeans forum and it works for me
Note that you still haven't specified what you are trying to ask. If that code satisfies your need, then more power to you. I'm not sure why you need the tablename.setModel(dtm) part, though.
My question is how to add a row when i press enter on the last column of a row..The code i got works fine with me..Please help me if you guys have a better idea...Thanks a lot..