posted 16 years ago
I have one frame in which i have a Jlist box.
the AllGroupList populates some user name dynamically.
Now i have a edit button for that Jlist box.
The edit button will open a dialog.
The dialog will have two list box and search button to search new users so we can add users.
1) AvailableGrp_list
2) currentgrpmembership_listbox
currentgrpmembership_listbox is filled up when i call the dialog(by passing frame list model)
AvailableGrp_list is filled up by the search criteria
My problem is that when ever i add an element in the dialog from AvailableGrp_list to currentgrpmembership_listbox it gets added but at the same time the element also gets added in parent frame list AllGroupList.
why is it so?
Is this the correct way to pass a list from one frame to other dialog if we need the dialog to be initialized by a list from calling frame?
Once the user selects the users to be added, i want to load my AllGroupList(present in frame) with currentgrpmembership_listbox (which the user will upadte from dialog) can some one help in that also?
Frame code
Dialog Code
[ November 14, 2008: Message edited by: Raj kalaria ]
[ November 14, 2008: Message edited by: Raj kalaria ]