Originally posted by bharti Poorey:
Hi Campbell,
Thanks for pointing out this, have corrected my name.
Originally posted by Bharti Poorey:
Here I can not use Selection listener to the tree as I want to save the panel changes either on clicking on the tree node or when the user clicks on the buttons provided at the bottom inside a ButtonPanel.
Originally posted by Bharti Poorey:
Have tried that first with only panels.. but that didn't work.
Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
default setting for a JPanel is 'not focusable'
Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
> Is this defined by some swing property?
JPanel inherits this from JComponent - I don't think there's any specific documentation
Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
somewhere (can't recall) there's a snippet that states once a component has
a keyBinding, it's focusability is set to true.
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