Originally posted by tadi raja:
i have a small doubt in JTable,i want to display 10 number of rows, each row contains data(i can retrieve data from web services and displayed in Table cell)in that time i don't need scrollbars for that particular table, because of i am trying to print that table vertical scrollbars are coming in the printed page and aslo inside the vertical scrollbars the data is not showed in printed page..is there any possibility to fix perfect size without using scrollbars for that talbe.thank you in advance.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking (for example: Do you know the pixel size you want and are asking how to set it, or are you asking how to figure out how many pixels you need?) but I feel I should point out that it's always safe to put the JTable in a JScrollPane. If it fits, then the scroll bars won't even appear* and the user will be none the wiser. Also, the table's header won't automatically appear if you don't use a JScrollPane.
*This is actually up to the look and feel, I believe, but most LnFs behave this way.
[edit: footnote added]
[ December 09, 2008: Message edited by: Brian Cole ]