In the JNLP file there is a "jar" element. Its description (copied from the JNLP tutorial) says this:
Specifies a JAR file that is part of the application's classpath.
Notice it says "specifies a jar file" and not "specifies the jar file". So, you have several jar files you need to be in the application's classpath? Then you need the same number of "jar" elements in your JNLP file.
What means that? Have you got the tutorial? My jnlp part looks like that: <resources> <j2se version="1.5+"/> <jar href="client.jar"/> <jar href="log4j-1.2.15.jar"/> </resources> Here, log4j is the library that i want to add to my classpath. Client.jar ist the main jar which holds the business logic.
Originally posted by Ali Yuruz: Have you got the tutorial?
I didn't post a link to the tutorial because I expected either that you had already read it, or that you would use "jnlp tutorial" as your google keywords to find it. Have you done neither of those things? What is your source of information for JNLP?
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