Playing with the Head First Java Chat program, I have run into a network problem: How do I run the Chat Server on my computer, and allow my roommate to run the client on her computer, so we can chat?
I have a motorola router on a wireless network with two desktop computers running Windows XP. Each has its own internal IP address.
I have tried running the server on my machine, and then connecting to my internal IP address via her machine. It does not connect. My goal is to run the server on my machine, and have friends from outside my private network connect, as well.
I'm having similar problems using a program which opens a port. My friend in another country is trying to connect, but cannot. I have port forwarded the port number, but it still won't connect. I feel this is the same issue as I am having with the server/client java program.
Are there any thoughts about what might be the issue?
Really don't know what is the problem ... Have tried the server-client program with both LAN connection and wireless connection .. Was working perfectly ....
Are you able to ping the other machine .. Go to command prompt and type ping (ip addr of your friend) .. [ November 13, 2008: Message edited by: vanlalhmangaiha khiangte ]