package oops;
class Node { // (1)
private Object data; // Data
private Node next; // Next node
// Constructor for initializing data and reference to the next node.
Node(Object data, Node next) { = data; = next;
// Methods
public void setData(Object obj) { data = obj; }
public Object getData() { return data; }
public void setNext(Node node) { next = node; }
public Node getNext() { return next; }
class LinkedList { // (2)
protected Node head = null;
protected Node tail = null;
// Methods
public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; }
public void insertInFront(Object dataObj) {
if (isEmpty()) head = tail = new Node(dataObj, null);
else head = new Node(dataObj, head);
public void insertAtBack(Object dataObj) {
if (isEmpty())
head = tail = new Node(dataObj, null);
else {
tail.setNext(new Node(dataObj, null));
tail = tail.getNext();
public Object deleteFromFront() {
if (isEmpty()) return null;
Node removed = head;
if (head == tail) head = tail = null;
else head = head.getNext();
return removed.getData();
class QueueByAggregation { // (3)
private LinkedList qList;
// Constructor
QueueByAggregation() {
qList = new LinkedList();
// Methods
public boolean isEmpty() { return qList.isEmpty(); }
public void enqueue(Object item) { qList.insertAtBack(item); }
public Object dequeue() {
if (qList.isEmpty()) return null;
else return qList.deleteFromFront();
public Object peek() {
return (qList.isEmpty() ? null : qList.head.getData());
class StackByInheritance extends LinkedList { // (4)
public void push(Object item) { insertInFront(item); }
public Object pop() {
if (isEmpty()) return null;
else return deleteFromFront();
public Object peek() {
return (isEmpty() ? null : head.getData());
public class Client1 { // (5)
public static void main(
String[] args) {
String string1 = "Queues are boring to stand in!";
int length1 = string1.length();
QueueByAggregation queue = new QueueByAggregation();
for (int i = 0; i<length1; i++)
queue.enqueue(new Character(string1.charAt(i)));
while (!queue.isEmpty())
System.out.print((Character) queue.dequeue());
String string2 = "!no tis ot nuf era skcatS";
int length2 = string2.length();
StackByInheritance stack = new StackByInheritance();
for (int i = 0; i<length2; i++)
stack.push(new Character(string2.charAt(i)));
stack.insertAtBack(new Character('!')); // (6)
while (!stack.isEmpty())
System.out.print((Character) stack.pop());
Could someone tell me as in how in the 'insertAtBack' method in class 'LinkedList' when we call tail.setNext(new Node(dataObj, null)), the next of head is also getting set. I have tried debugging but could not get thru.